Thursday, November 28, 2019
5 Signs You Might Get Fired
5 Signs You Might Get Fired Sometimes we get so comfortable in day-to-day work life that we forget jobs today come with much less security. Rather than becoming complacent, keep yourself attuned and on the lookout for the following red flags so you can fix the problem and save your job- or at least prepare for the worst by looking for a new one. SEE ALSO: 10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job1. You’re out of the loopWhether it’s the most recent report on company profits or just the details of the next co-worker happy hour, if you find yourself not getting as much or the same quality intel as your colleagues, that might be a sign you’re being phased out. Particularly watch for your managers or bosses changing the subject from company matters when you enter the conversation.2. Your workload is lesseningAre some of your projects getting passed along to newer hires or to people down the ladder? Do you find yourself getting tasked with duties you’ve not done in months or years? When your responsibilities start to shrink, that’s a good sign your position will, too.3. Management is changingEvery time a company shakes up its structure, chances are a few jobs will be lost. Be vigilant at times of restructuring and rebranding to make sure you’re being considered for the newer outlook.4. You’ve made mistakesEven one mistake- if big enough- can cost you your job. But if you haven’t done anything drastic like fraud or passing company secrets to competitors, it’s still possible that you’re making small mistakes and might be considered a liability. The best solution here is to always own your errors and take immediate, proactive steps to minimize the damage. The rest is up to your boss.5. They sent you on vacationForced furloughs or compulsory vacations are one way your bosses can get you out of the office if they’re thinking about firing you and need to prepare a case- or sometimes just to see how vital your role ac tually is. If your boss asks you to take vacation, that might be a good time to have an honest and upfront conversation about where you stand. Better to know the truth; then you can spend your holiday looking for another job!
Monday, November 25, 2019
Radio and Television essays
Radio and Television essays The Development of Radio and Television Radio is a part of most people's everyday lives, but more so is television. Television virtually emerged from radio, which set the foundation down for what is known today as the main source of mass media and communication. The reason being that almost all households in developed nations has a television. With such a norm it is often overlooked as to the controversy caused by the T.V which is almost literally the addition of pictures to radio. Many interesting things happened with the emergence of the television from the radio. The radio is one of the, if not most, important elements in the development of mass media. The emergence of radio took place in the early 1920's and for the first time it was possible to reach a large number of people at the same time. Radio at first was used in World War I where it served only to transmit important messages to and from certain, specific points. It was after the war when radio started to become commercialized. The commercialization of radio took different steps in the development process depending on the social and political circumstances in the particular country. These differences were in "propaganda radio", "elite radio", and "democratic radio". Democratic Radio is more familiar to us and it was developed according to what the audiences wanted to hear. This type of radio is what we know radio as today; freedom to listen to what we want to listen to. This emphasis on the audience is what made the radio so popular and with this popularity came the opportunity of profiting from advertisements and promotions. More money being put into these programs brought about better quality. As more and more people listened to these quality programs the people taking part in them became popular with the audiences, which in some cases were spread nation wide. These people were becoming better known as celebrities. The sound, expression and personality of the vo...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Communication Experience Research Paper
Business Communication Experience - Research Paper Example With this strategy, the organization does not attempt to prohibit any information from reaching those who are involved. Needless to say, this approach requires the manager has complete trust in their subordinates as they rely on them to ensure that there is no leakage of their activities to their rivals. This Strategy has its advantages as the employees who know what is going on are in a position to make proper decisions in reference to the ultimate goal of the company. Top – Down Approach This approach is definitely different from the horizontal approach as the manager here only provides information to their employees on a need to know basis. In other words, employees who are lower ranking within the organization do not have the complete information on the company’s intentions and all they are provided with is the information that they need to get their part of their work done. The need to know basis may prove to be effective in terms of keeping important information f rom the company’s rivals but it also breeds a feeling of distrust among the employees as they feel that the company does not trust them enough to divulge the full information to them (Jones, 2008). However, it should be noted that this communication approach can also be successful in the fact that an employee is able to concentrate on what is required of them without having other influences affecting them. For example, an employee whose job is to ensure that the products of the company are produced in a certain time has nothing else to worry about as their job has been clearly stated by the company and they have no other concern (Rai, 2008). This report stresses that it should be noted that this communication approach can also be successful in the fact that an employee is able to concentrate on what is required of them without having other influences affecting them. For example, an employee whose job is to ensure that the products of the company are produced in a certain time has nothing else to worry about as their job has been clearly stated by the company and they have no other concern. This means that they will not be bothered by any other factors that they would have been forced to consider had they known they known the end game of the organization. As a result, the employees are able to focus on their duties thus they are able to give their all in the activities that they do. This paper makes a conclusion that the horizontal approach would be the more preferable of the two as despite the fact that there is a risk of having the activities of the company exposed to those who may be considered rivals to the organization, the fact that they know what is going on motivates them to do their best in order to achieve what the company is aiming for. The factor of trust is also essential to the motivation of the employees as they are bound to work harder if they feel that the company has trust in them. As a result, the employee will feel the urge to make sure that they do not disappoint the people that have put their faith in them.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Public Diplomacy and Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Public Diplomacy and Media - Research Paper Example Journalists operate within an ethical framework and are responsible for informing the society through media. Considering issues of propaganda stories, and factors like evidence gathering and working along with justice departments journalists may need to rely on press release statements, by quoting or printing their statements when informing the society. One, misinformation and lies to capture the public’s attention could discredit the journalists and media group they work for, least to mention the violation of the code that governs media reporting. Though the demand for news is high, accuracy and authenticity are also critical. Second, in such time when public relations has risen and embraced by many institutions, journalism seems to be shrinking; most journalists would seek out certain information from organizations’ publicity agents while internet technology gives an opportunity for PR to now bypass the press and get to directly communicate to the public.The western d omination in the media sphere has shaped and influenced foreign publics for quite a long period, which links it to its hard power and advantages over other countries. However, other countries have risen and developed strong means of persuasion capable of influencing the public discourse beyond their State boundaries through international broadcasting and cultural diplomacy other than the traditional government related policies. International broadcasting: Global influence has been achieved in the broader sense.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Fresa y chocolate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Fresa y chocolate - Essay Example These issues are increasingly important in this age of human relationship varieties and politics influence on these relationships. The purpose of this paper is to show Cuban society and its contradictions according to the film, as well as the politics and its reflection in people's characters and actions. The paper will also pay particular attention to the director's aim of the film and the importance of the film from the point of view of the historical period concerned. 2. The film presents colourful description of Cuban society under Fidel Castro's rule, and the plot of the film Fresa y chocolate is tightly connected with life conditions and cultural contradictions of Cuban society. The film tells the story of two young men each of whom had different cultural outlook, although they both supported political regime. Diego was a gay artist, but homosexual life was forbidden in Cuba. Otherwise, David studied sociology in Havana and was a true communist. The film shows social life in Cuba and its ethical and cultural features which influenced the flow of the film and main characters' actions. The both protagonists of the film present two different sides of social ethics: the way of life of communist ideology supporters, and that of people who don't put down in ethical limits of socialist state. As was mentioned above, Daniel studied sociology, and he was a true communist supporter and a member of communist youth brigades. Diego followed another style o f life: he was an artist who saw his mission in Cuban culture promotion. So, any link between these two young men seems to be rather strange, but in spite of this fact they became real friends: "Diego is gay, religious and a nationalist, while David is straight, an atheist and a communist. Their relationship is flawed, in addition, by jealousies, both mutual and contextual (Santi, 2001)". The name of the film, Fresa y chocolate, is rather symbolic in this context: David and Diego met in a caf, David took chocolate while Diego did strawberry ice cream that was surprising to David, but Diego underlined that some people prefer chocolate while others prefer strawberry. This scene symbolically shows the protagonists' membership to different and contradictory sides of political, cultural and ethical sides of Cuban society. The film doesn't deny socialist ideology in Cuba, but there is a clear notion of variety of ethical and sexual life in post revolution Cuban society. It needs to take i nto account that Castro's regime didn't support such social and ethical phenomenon as homosexuality, and in 1965 he told that "we would never come to believe that a homosexual could embody the conditions and requirements of conduct that would enable us to consider him a true Revolutionary, a true Communist militant. A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant Communist must be (West, 1995)". Diego feels real affectation to David, but his feeling cannot be accepted by his friend in that time in Cuba that is reflected in the film: it was just unrealizable desire which contradicted the system of the state. David who was heterosexual is shown as an opposite protagonist: he had relationship with women and wanted to be a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
End of life care child
End of life care child Care of a child with end of life During my clinical rotation at children cancer hospital, I encountered a child of 6 years old who was going through relapse of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). The child and parents had difficulty talking to the staff and doctors due to inability of understanding language. The child was not in a position to talk to anyone except to few words to mother and father. While taking history from child’s father, it came to my knowledge that the child was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in the month of September, 2014 and according to father he was diagnosed couple of months late. The child was receiving chemotherapy for three months but unfortunately the child developed relapse after the third cycle of chemotherapy. The doctor then informed the parents that now their son won’t be cured and ultimately the child passed through the end of life. As per the assessment the child had lost appetite, nasal bleeding, stomachache, nausea and vomiting. In addition, he was fa tigue, had bruises all over the body and had lost weight. The father was completely hopeless and was continuously denying the fact. Furthermore, he said that my child was diagnosed earlier than the other children admitted in this hospital with the same disease then why my child’s disease is incurable. Moreover, he emphasized if I can help his child in anyway. I found myself completely lost at that time because I wasn’t able to help father with what he was asking for. I felt like crying from inside because the child was so young and I could just realize how it feels losing a child at this age. Meanwhile, I controlled myself and tried to support father emotionally. I was able to take care of child and family on a whole with the all aspects but due to limitations of this paper, I’m considering only physical, psychosocial and end of life aspects. The child experienced substantial sufferings at the end of life and the communication with the parents was deficient. Increased focus on the palliative care needs of children with advanced cancer and their families makes an environment that fosters fundamentally improved end-of-life care and parents also report better preparedness for the end-of-life course and less suffering in their children. (Wolfe et al., 2008). The physical symptoms of the child were noticeable and painful. The physical disabilities were also associated with social role difficulties as the child was not able to socialize with his friends, relatives and parents. The literature also affirms that children with physical performance limitations are less likely to go to school or intermingle with friends and family (Tomlinson et al ., 2011). In addition children with physical sufferings are less likely to spend time with friends for social activities and less likely to participate in leisure time activities. As a health care provider for this child, I was able to help the child to reduce his physical sufferings by talking to him in his own language and listening to his concerns regarding his health. As the child wasn’t talking to anyone so I helped him to get socialized with the help of play therapy. Health care professionals, who care for children with long term physical problems, are urged to give careful attention to the emotional well being, behavior and social adjustment of children and their parents (Goldman, Hain and Liben, 2006). Psychosocial problems are often seen in children with chronic and live long illnesses. Childhood cancer affects allaspects of family life. For this reason, the care is not only focused on a child, but also to the child’s family and other parts of the child’s life. The parents of the child were not given enough attention from the staff and doctors because they considered that their child is not going to live anymore and everyone was asking me to give them emotional support instead of supporting them. Health care professionals who care for children with long-term physical health problems are urged by experts to give careful attention to the emotional wellbeing, behavior, and social adjustment of their patients (Wales, 2011). Having a child with cancer is usually a new experience for all family members. It can be very stressful, so it’s no surprise that families need education, support, and counseling to cope with it or else they will end up with depression and anxi ety disorders (Himelstein, 2006). Psychosocial support includes advocacy, education, supportive counseling, psychotherapeutic and behavioral interventions (Foster et al., 2010). I did advocacy on behalf of my patient as the child was kept in a procedure room where everyone was disturbing him and his parents during the last period of his life, so they were taken to the separate room. Palliative care professionals understand that each family is different and that a thorough psychosocial assessment is a precursor to developing an individualized plan of care that has the greatest potential for good outcomes. Psychosocial assessment should be ongoing and open ended and can be elicited simply by asking families to share their concerns with the health care team at each encounter (Friebert, Levetown and Carter, 2011) The impact of a child’s chronic illness and end of life on parents and the rest of family members is great. Sometimes it may not be possible to cure child with chronic illnesses despite the great efforts from health care team. Parent’s play an important role in helping a child continues to live a comfortable life and prepare for a dignified and peaceful death. It is the most difficult step for parents but it is necessary for them to talk about death to their children. Some parents believe that they are protecting their child by withholding the truth. However, most children with advanced cancer already know or suspect that they are dying, based on the changes they experience inside their bodies and observation of adults around them (Aschenbrenner, Winters and Belknap, 2012). The parents of the child I was caring for was not ready to tell their child about death because it was difficult for them to talk to their child about death and the father said to me that â€Å" he cannot tell his son that he is going to die and he is not able to do anything for him now†. I talked to the father that it is important for them to be honest and open. His child will feel less anxious and alone if he knows what to expect, and talking about his childs death enables him and his child to have an end by expressing love, sharing memories and saying good-bye to each other (Sullivan, Gillam and Monagle, 2014). Allowing child to talk about his or her fears and questions about death will help parents in understanding how to respond to these questions (Wolfe et al., 2008). A major factor influencing child’s understanding of death is his or her developmental level. For instance, preschool children are too young to understand the concept of death. School going children are just starting to comprehend death as a final separation. Meanwhile, adolescents and teenagers usually have an adult understanding of death. Childs understanding of death is also influenced by fam ily’s religious belief, cultural norms and views read in book or seen on television (Forster and Windsor, 2014). Since palliative nursing is entirely a different field so there should be a team which work in collaboration with other health care professionals to reduce the sufferings of the client and support the family on a whole during the end of life care. Child should be assessed on a daily basis for the physical symptoms and must be taken actions to work on symptoms if present. Parents of a child should be given guidance and support during the end of life so they go through this hard time smoothly. Bereavement is parents right and must be respected by health care professionals. Care delivery programs and health insurers, government as well as private should cover the provision of comprehensive care for terminally ill individuals who are nearing to death. Patient communication and advanced care planning that are actionable, measurable and evidenced based must be incorporated in quality standards. Health care organizations should establish the appropriate training and certification requiremen ts to strengthen the palliative care knowledge and skills of all health care providers who care for individuals with advanced serious illness who are nearing the end of life. In addition palliative care is now becoming an important approach to preventing and reducing sufferings in patients and families. It is recommended that primary palliative care should be a core skill of every health care professionals dealing with patients with advanced or serious illnesses. References Aschenbrenner, A., Winters, J. and Belknap, R. (2012). Integrative Review: Parent Perspectives on Care of Their Child at the End of Life.Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27(5), pp.514-522. Forster, E. and Windsor, C. (2014). Speaking to the deceased child: Australian health professional perspectives in paediatric end-of-life care.International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 20(10), pp.502-508. Foster, T., Lafond, D., Reggio, C. and Hinds, P. (2010). Pediatric Palliative Care in Childhood Cancer Nursing: From Diagnosis to Cure or End of Life.Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 26(4), pp.205-221. Friebert, S., Levetown, M. and Carter, B. (2011).Palliative care for infants, children, and adolescents. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Goldman, A., Hain, R. and Liben, S. (2006).Oxford textbook of palliative care for children. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Himelstein, B. (2006). Palliative Care for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Their Families.Journal of Palliative Medicine, 9(1), pp.163-181. Sullivan, J., Gillam, L. and Monagle, P. (2014). Parents and end-of-life decision-making for their child: roles and responsibilities.BMJ Supportive Palliative Care. Tomlinson, D., Hinds, P., Bartels, U., Hendershot, E. and Sung, L. (2011). Parent Reports of Quality of Life for Pediatric Patients With Cancer With No Realistic Chance of Cure.Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(6), pp.639-645. Wales, J. (2011). Promoting Psychological Well-Being in Children with Acute and Chronic Illness.Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 16(4), pp.223-223. Wolfe, J., Hammel, J., Edwards, K., Duncan, J., Comeau, M., Breyer, J., Aldridge, S., Grier, H., Berde, C., Dussel, V. and Weeks, J. (2008). Easing of Suffering in Children With Cancer at the End of Life: Is Care Changing?.Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26(10), pp.1717-1723.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Beloved - Toni Morrison :: essays research papers
Confidence and violence: relationship between women in â€Å"Beloved†The story told in â€Å"Beloved†contains a process of memorialization and change. In this process, the relationship between women is very important. Some relations are dominated by violence and hate, others are full of confidence and love. In those relationships rememory and storytelling are important factors, because the women get to know each other better by telling stories about the past. They get to know much more about each other, through which their relationship dà ³es change. When Sethe arrives at 124 Bluestone Road, Baby Suggs doesn’t know her at all. She only knows Sethe ‘s her daughter-in-law, the woman who married her son Halle and who gave him four children. And yet she helps Sethe immediately. At 124 Bluestone Road, Baby Suggs creates a space, which provides warmth and certainty for Sethe and her children, just as 124 is for the whole community. â€Å"124 was †¦ night long.†(p.86) I think it really adorns Baby Suggs that she was such a warm person, especially to Sethe and her children. In fact she opens her house and her heart to the whole community. When Beloved arrives at 124, she immediately takes part of the family life. Sethe dà ³es really like it to have another daughter living with them and she’s flattered by Beloved’s open devotion. â€Å"Sethe was†¦his teacher.†(p. 50) Denver in the beginning also likes Beloved’s presence. The three become a real â€Å"family†: they ice skate, drink cocoa, dress up in bright colors and ribbons. Their relationship is mostly positive. But as soon as Sethe understands who Beloved is, Beloved's claim on her is total. Sethe no longer goes to work; she attends to Beloved's wishes. Denver - who once was the most important person in Sethe’s life - tries to make claims on both Beloved as a sister and Sethe as a mother, but she is gradually shut out of the relationship. Sethe doesn’t want to tell much about her past to Denver, but to Beloved she tells nearly everything. â€Å"It became†¦incomplete reveries.†(p. 58) Ultimately Denver and Sethe are bound to Beloved. The three are fixed on story-telling, although it hurts Sethe, she keeps telling nearly everything about her past to Beloved. One day, they go to the Clearing, a space in the wood that was "wide-open" and blessed, where it was â€Å"possible to love†. Sethe comes to this place to figure out what to do with her past.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Before The Law: A Psychological Approach Essay
There aren’t many descriptions of the setting discussed in the story, while in the process of reading it, the reader seems to only know that there is a gate, a doorkeeper, and a man trying to get in. It is not until the end of the story that it is realized that there may in fact not be a setting at all. Kafka wrote this parable with the intentions of that when the reader was beginning to read, they would assume that the gate the man is trying to get access into is guarding a building or some other place that humans could physically go to. While instead he was telling a story about the human mind. That last few sentences in the story being, â€Å"The doorkeeper recognizes that the man has reached his end, and to let his failing senses catch the words, roars in his ear: ‘No one else could ever be admitted here, since this gate was made only for you. I am now going to shut it. ’ â€Å" giving away Kafkas hidden message. The way that you look at the story, or possibly even the way you have lived your life thus far, can persuade how you take the message that Kafka is trying to give to the readers. The story is written in a third person narrative form, Kafka doesn’t give much detail as to the surroundings in the story but he does let you get into the mans head. He writes, â€Å"Yet in his darkness, he is now aware of a radiance that streams inextinguishably from the gateway of the Law. †Kafka is letting you in on how the man feels and how he views the gate. The way Kafka ends this story makes the reader have to think about their life almost involuntarily. The only difference in how each person thinks is: Where do you think the gate has access to? What do you think the law is? And why do you think the man wants to get in it? My answers to those previously stated questions may be different than many but I feel as if Kafka was trying to get the readers to understand that the law is every human beings own and personalized sanctuary. Society says that finding the job of your dreams, the lover of your dreams, and the house of your dreams is what makes you happy. I feel as if finding ones own inner peace is what truly makes you happy. The armed guards in this story represent the pathway and the battles that one has to take to get the their inner sanctuary. Each time you get past one guard, the next is harder to get through. The guards represent each level of growing into your own person and figuring out yourself and who you are. The story writes, â€Å" ‘Everyone strives to reach the Law,’ says the man, ‘so how does it happen that for all these many years no one but myself has ever begged for admittance? ’ â€Å" The man is doing what he thinks everyone else wants to do, he is not doing it out of pure satisfaction for himself, that is why he is not strong enough to even get past the first guard. At the end of the story it is then revealed that the gate was only meant for the man, but he didn’t try hard enough to get in before the light took him over. If only the man would have went to attempt to beat the guard would he have then realised that the path through the law would lead to his inner peace and serenity. He would have to fight harder and harder battles each time but he choose to not even try to get past the first guard. This story shows how the man has to fight to get what he wants and if he does not try to do so, he will die with nothing but an unanswered question and an unpeaceful mind. The setting could just possibly be within ones own mind, but it could also be everything in the physical world. Or both at the same time.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay on Abortion
Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay on Abortion Argumentative essays must include certain elements if the reader is to find them effective. It is regrettable if an essay omits key aspects that make it evident that the writer was not informed about the topic on which he or she chose to write. An argumentative essay is like a strategic decision that company managers make: it requires proper planning. At the very least, a writer of an argumentative essay has to dedicate a couple of minutes to draft the topic that will best be tackled in the argumentative essay. What this infers is that not all topics can be discussed academically. In general, argumentative essays cover topics that have conflicting viewpoints or conclusions. In light of this, it has been noted that many students make the mistake of writing argumentative essays on topics that interest them, but which do not have sufficient back up evidence. The underlying point here is that an argumentative essay is shaped not by a profound belief, but an explanation as to why the writer believes that his/her concept is reasonable. In short, choosing a topic to argue about must be guided by the presence of logical evidence that can substantiate the argument offered. For instance, when writing an argumentative essay on abortion, start by assessing the benefits and dangers of abortion. You will then take your stand and state, for example, that abortion must be prohibited because it encourages immorality. Do not forget that the sympathizers of abortion have arguable points as to why sometimes abortion is the only solution. This is an important consideration to make during the planning phase. It will help you to gather evidence that refutes any justifications for abortion. Having obtained the solid groundwork for your argument, the actual writing begins. The usual arrangement of introduction, body, and conclusion apply. The abortion argumentative essay will begin with a description of events that may warrant abortion. In the last sentence of the paragraph, the writer will state, for example, that abortion will not minimize pregnancy-related complications, but will instead harm reproductive organs so severely that future child-birth will be jeopardiz ed. The subsequent paragraphs will contain both sides to the controversy. You ought to give details of the dangers and advantages of abortion, afterwards stating which side is the strongest. Provide your own stance and use valid evidence to indicate why your viewpoint is accurate. For your argumentative essay to be more effective, you can include relevant and current statistics. Because abortion is a topic that goes against the teachings and morals of many cultures, it might be useful to support your viewpoint with anecdotal stories. Unless there is a clear limit that has been provided as to the length of your essay, you can include as much proof as possible to add attractiveness and substance to your paper. Once satisfied, conclude with a restatement of your position. Most importantly, avoid poignant language and do not cite non-existent sources or rely on rumors.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The eNotes Blog Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them What is eNotesreading
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them What is reading When theyre not out trying to catch em all, the staff are an elusive bunch. These fantastic enigmas dwell in the depths of Capitol Hill in the heart of Seattle, and spend their days click-click-clacking away behind bright Mac screens to decipher Shakespeare, answering your homework questions, and digging up free money for students. In between celebrating literary holidays and battling the feels, these majestic beings drink in the words of countless literary beasts, ruthlessly ravaging mountains of text. Whether the fantastic beasts are the staff or the books theyre readingwell, thats up to you. Want to see how you measure up? The staff have come forth for a limited time to give you a glimpse of the fascinating arrangements of the alphabet that theyve been consuming. In other words, here are the books that the staff is currently reading: Alex Bloomingdale, co-founder The Harry Bosch novels by Michael Connelley Im reading the Harry Bosch novels by Michael Connelley. They are perfect summer beach reads, but also contain lots of interesting details related to modern policing, with an emphasis on the LAPD and its inner workings. While suspension of disbelief with some of the cases is required, others are straightforward police procedurals chock full of LAPD jargon and well-researched geographical and police tidbits that could be boring for some, but are riveting if youre a fan of this sub-genre of mystery. Nick Cloud, developer The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene Why doesnt the FBI prosecute Hillary? Why does Trump captivate so many voters? Why does your manager get the glory for your accomplishments? Because the Laws of Powerimmutable, emergent, and seated squarely in human natureare always in effect. Robert Greenes book, The 48 Laws of Power, draws on the stern lessons of history to show us that reality isnt the romanticized wonderland sold to us in childhood, but rather a complex interleave of human strength and weakness, vice and virtue, wisdom and stupidity, that play off each other in the struggle to make reality as we know it conform to our wishes. The results are often brutal, humorous, and instructive, and we would do well to learn from the past, lest we relive its errors and find ourselves without options, without the power to gain the things we value most. Luiz Lopes, developer Liberalism by Ludwig von Mises A look at the theoretical and practical arguments for classical liberalism. In it, Mises compares classical liberalism with other systems of social organization. I am reading this book because I would like to better understand different forms of social organization, specially because this is an election year. Os Cem Melhores Contos Brasileiros do Sà ©culo by à talo Moriconi A collection of stories from the best known and unknown Brazilian writers of the 20th century. A book I purchased on my last trip to Brazil. I dont get to practice my Portuguese as much, so reading it helps me keep it on my mind. This book shows how much the language has changed in the last century. I particularly enjoy the stories by Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Sà ©rgio SantAnna, and Jà ºlia Lopes de Almeida. Heather Satoris Daniel, customer service A Fine Imitation by Amber Brock What happens when the life we have always lived is not the one we want to have? Set in Manhattan in the 1920s, A Fine Imitation captures privileged socialite Vera Bellingtons desire for something more than the comfortable and predictable life shes always led. Falling head over heels for a painter, Vera must choose between familiarity and spontaneity. Allie Draper, assistant editor How to Be a Victorian: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Victorian Life by Ruth Goodman Have you ever looked at pictures and illustrations from the Victorian era and wondered what it would have been like to wear a hoop skirt and a corset? Or how you would have made it to work even close to on time without an alarm clock or a cell phone? Ruth Goodman presents a day in the life of a Victorian, chronicling (often from experience gleaned from personal experiments) the probable trials and tribulations you would have encountered in the Victorian era, whether you were a farmer, a fop, a laundress, or a lady- or anything in between. (Answers: 1. Disturbing, since your abdominal muscles would be atrophying and causing you lower-back pain. 2. You would pay a guy with a pocket watch to come tap on your window with a really long stick.) Wes Matlock, curriculum editor Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates by Tom Robbins Ive just finished reading Tom Robbinss Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates. This wonderful, ridiculous story follows the exploits of (ex-)CIA operative Switters, a self-proclaimed study in contradictions, as he deals with a shamans curse and a nuns prophecy. Full of wild and witty language, Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates also explores more serious ideas related to lifes Big Questions and what it means to live consciously, all while romping across four continents full of comedic shenanigans. I definitely recommend this book for anyone who likes irreverent humor and unconventional storytelling. Samantha Burton, Marketing Manager The Book Thief by Markus Zusak I missed the excitement over this book when it first came out, and again when the movie was released in 2013- so I know Im pretty late in reading and recommending this book (and its been done on our blog before). But its so good and, to me, totally holds up to the hype. The main reason I like this story is that the entire book is narrated by Death, who puts the story into his own words- which are strung together with alliteration and colorful descriptions- along with the help of the Book Thiefs diary. Its a beautifully somber story focusing on the strength, quirks, and humanity of certain notable characters- like a boxing jew, an accordion-playing painter, and a little girl who treasures books. I personally love a good audiobook (which can be rare), and the narrator Allan Corduner is amazing and Zusaks writing is wonderful listening. Its been like having Death himself reading to me I highly recommend it! Kat Draney, intern Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Im currently reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. As a big sci-fi fan, I was very excited to get my hands on this novel. Since the Jurassic Park movie series is one of my favorites, I held high expectations; so far, I have not been disappointed. As most movie adaptations go, the book is by far the better choice. The beginning of the novel has incredible backstory woven with research and modern references that give the descriptions a sense of credibility. Crichtons writing style is both appealing and provoking. I have trouble setting the book down. In fact, during a particularly gruesome dinosaur scene, I was so captivated that I kept on reading while sitting in a moving car (which normally makes me carsick). I seldom discover novels that have foreshadowing that is as effective as Crichtons Jurassic Park, and the moments of reveal are truly breathtaking and horrifying. I predicted that the novel would be yet another cliched and predictable horror extravaganza, but it has blow n my speculations out of the water. I would highly recommend that you read this book if you enjoyed the movie, or if you have an interest in dinosaurs or science fiction. Jules Cordry, intern Radiance: A Novel by Catherynne M. Valente Im halfway through Radiance, the new novel by one of my favorite sci fi and fantasy writers, Catherynne M. Valente. Its an incredibly imaginative, witty, delightful, and rather terrifying romp through a version of the solar system in which humans started colonizing other planets in the Victorian Era, and movies are made on the Moon. The story revolves around Severin Unck, a famous female director who mysteriously disappeared while shooting a documentary on Venus. Told in fragments from fictional film scripts, interviews, gossip columns, and hardboiled detective narratives (among others), Ive found Radiance to be the kind of book thats best read at four in the morning with a cup of strong tea. Nick Teal, intern The 5 Love Languages Singles Edition by Gary D. Chapman I am currently reading The 5 Love Languages Singles Edition by Gary D. Chapman. This book is based off the popular 5 Love Languages but it is directed towards single people. This book covers the five Love Languages and gives examples of displaying them while in dating scenarios. There are also chapters focused on how to interact with single parents, friends, co workers, widows, etc. It is an interesting read. I have learned a lot about myself, and why it is tough to love me. I hope to make strides towards becoming less single once I finish this book and apply its knowledge. Please love me. Please. Anthony Pepe, intern Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez Discover the complex history that America has had with one of the most revered animals of the wild. Bringing them to near extinction over fears from ranchers, the ethically questionable sport of aerial wolf gunning (chasing and shooting down wolves with helicopters), and the loss of habitat. Now wolves are starting to come back into the states and restarting the debate on wolf population control. Barry Lopezs book goes through the entire history of wolf control in America and asks the question, Do wolves really need to be managed? Of Wolves and Men provides facts and research to suggest wolves may not be the fearsome monsters that stalk the wilderness and attack sheep in the night after all, but just want to be left alone and want to leave humans alone. Marisa Iliakis, intern Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde Im reading this book called Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde (no relation to the 50 Shades). Its about this sort of odd dystopian world where peoples social status is defined by the color that they can perceive best. For instance, if you can see purple, youre very high ranking while if you see grey, youre basically a peasant. The main character is named Eddie Russet (he can see red, hence the last name), and he wants to get ahead in life but is sort of hapless. The book has the best dry British humor, and it takes a while to really understand what is going on because it can be a bit surreal. I mean, for some reason its illegal to manufacture spoons in this world and no one really explains why. Its a really fun book though, and I would highly recommend it! Mara Childs, intern Ready Player One by Ernest Cline I’m currently reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Set in the year 2044, it follows teenaged Wade Watts in his journey to find a video game easter egg. Hidden in the depths of this massive online virtual reality game OASIS is this secret thing that grants its finder the entire multi-billion dollar fortune left by the recently deceased OASIS creator. Enthralling and quirky, there’s something fantastic and familiar about Wade’s adventure that allows me to get lost in it. The beginning starts with a substantial backstory about the general state of the world and how this massive hunt for the easter egg came to be. While it might seem that this book is geared towards people who are avid gamers and fans of lore, it can easily suit a wide audience. It’s a dystopian novel that deals with different personal valuations of life and material objects, as well as personal relationships. I’d recommend this for people who enjoy Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and other quests/adventures. I would also recommend listening to the audiobook read by Wil Wheaton! Caroline Engle, intern Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Right now, Im reading Catch-22.Its one of those books I always thought I would end up reading for school, but never did, so now Im reading it in part to understand why its so famous. So far, I love how funny and satirical it is. Some books are unintentionally ridiculous, so its nice to read one that knows how outlandish its characters are. Eleanor, obligatory canine happiness ambassador Bacon by Bacon Woof.
Monday, November 4, 2019
On a national level why describe why the Real Estate market crashed, Research Paper
On a national level why describe why the Real Estate market crashed, what contributed to the crash of the market, is the market recovering, and what is contributing to the recovery - Research Paper Example This aggressive marketing led to two negative factors. The first factor is that the demand/supply forces were affected in such a way that there was a false equilibrium, and thus the costs of the houses were so much overrated. The cost of a home in almost any state in the United States of America was overpriced by at least two hundred percent. As a result, the middle income earners could not afford to buy the houses with their income and the only way to buy a house was to secure a mortgage from a bank. As more and more people used mortgages to buy houses, the demand of the houses increased, only resulting to the further increment in home prices. The other thing was that the mortgage providers failed to include due diligence while providing these mortgages. While these mortgage providers advertised strict terms and conditions, these terms and conditions were never applied when giving out mortgages and as a result, many people who were not eligible for such mortgages ended up in the client lists of such banks. When the demand /supply forces forced the interest rates of the mortgages to start fluctuating, most of these mortgage owners started finding it harder to finance their mortgages and some of them had to start refinancing their mortgages. This meant that they had to take a loan to pay their mortgage. In such an arrangement, the problem was that the mortgage owners ended up paying interests twice. This is because the mortgage owners would have to pay for the mortgage as well as the interests on loans. The very fact that a majority of the mortgage owners were seeking refinancing for their mortgages meant that the real estate industry was already facing major problems. Most of these frustrated home owners started selling off their homes but at much lower prices than they had secured the homes, and the real estate market was flooded with supply. Those who could not afford to sell the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Hewitt v Debus Case Note Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hewitt v Debus Case Note - Essay Example The vendor issued a notice of termination, and the solicitors for Debus alleged misrepresentation. Hewitt sold the property to another buyer, Mr. Darren Gillham, with their agreement being â€Å"subject to and conditional upon†termination of the agreement with Debus. Debus treated Hewitt termination as repudiation and she terminated the agreement herself. Debus did not seek a similar remedy, however she emphasized that her termination of the contract was valid and claimed substantial refund of the money she had paid. She demanded that Hewitt return the money she had paid. A trial judge decided that the purchaser was right because in accordance to the law, a purchaser cannot have both the land and purchase price. The vendor demanded leave to appeal. The application was heard on full submission so that, in case she was granted the leave to appeal, the appeal would be decided without a further hearing. The central matter in this appeal was whether the deed provided that time was important in the performance of Hewitt obligations to pay the amounts required by Clauses 1(c) and (d) and whether the contract between the two parties was validly terminated by the vendor’s notice of termination. Facts The vendor is entitled to terminate for a failure by the purchaser to comply with any term of the agreement irrespective of whether it is an essential term The vendor has a right to terminate where the purchaser fails to pay deposit on time or dishonours cheque for the deposit. Issue The main issue in this case was whether time was important in the performance of Hewitt obligations to pay the amounts required under their agreement and whether the vendor’s notice of termination validly terminated the contract. Holding The seller has a right to terminate for a breach of any term of the agreement irrespective of whether it is an essential term. Analysis Time was not of essence for the payments of the amounts referred in the agreement because the contract was closely similar to a contract for sale of land. A condition of time in land sale contract in equity is not important unless there are special circumstances and the contract has to clearly state that time is essential and has to be implicit from the nature of the contract in the surrounding circumstances. The agreement between the Hewitt and Debus did not have any special circumstances, which implicitly made time for performance important. Because there was no stipulation of time, the vendor was not entitled to terminate the contract because of a delay in the purchaser performing her obligation to pay the instalments. If the period were an essential obligation under the agreement, Hewitt would have been entitled to terminate the contract because of Debus having not considerably performed the necessary obligations. Debus failure to perform within the reasonable period constituted a breach of contract, however Hewitt was not entitled to terminate the contract because Debus substant ially performed part of her obligations. The judges cited section 13 of the Conveyance Act to determine whether a time stipulation was essential in equity. From the act, the judges construed that in case the vendor did not regard time to be essential in
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