Monday, December 30, 2019
Citizenship and Crime - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1583 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Citizenship Essay Did you like this example? The lack of research on citizens and non citizen Latinos and crime, is one peculiar developments in social status. This slip is interesting because of commision reports that has been focused on the treatment of Latino immigrants. Studies on border patrol mistreatment of immigrants and abuse of people that look of Latino origin by the state police near the border. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Citizenship and Crime" essay for you Create order There has been misconducts in the police department due to the singling out a group of people because the justice system has extended animosity throughout the Los Angeles police department and the Mexican community in the city (martinez, 2002). Even in the unattended data of these research the LAPD has somehow found the need to generalize these communities with latino youth as delinquents and criminals for half of the 20th century. Though there is some early research on noncitizens and police, current research comprehension of local police that Latino citizens and non citizens encounter with throughout the city and the heavily resident immigrant communities all around the United States. Intellectuals understand the precise attention to black and whites differences with the police and how in most African American areas, mainly where its community is not economically stable police concentrate in using aggressive strategies. Due to that fact, researchers have extended their interest with examining both experiences on racial and ethnic problems that been encountered with the police and other agencies in the criminal justice branch, for the reason being that the Latino immigrant population is the largest group in America. When one considers this misconduct for over two decades, sociologist argue that the experience that Latinos have is very different from whites and blacks that arent from Latino origin. This is why we need to have an open mind when certain events happen, we need to remind the people reading that latinos and other groups of immigrants have various disadvantages with police. Note that dissatisfaction with the police and legal cynicism both tie up with nei ghbourhood problems, because of the reason of racial differences that change the attitude towards officers controlling the violent crimes in these neighbourhoods (sampson and bartusch 1998). Characteristics of use of physical and deadly force use of police is that the context of these neighborhood may be what influences the attitude with the officers. The issue is that these events are constructed to reveal a different story and potentially point the finger towards Latinos and other non white groups as violent and the police were just doing what they had to do to control the situation. Its obvious that criminologist need to exceed from the black to white paradigm of United States. Latinos are a diverse group in historical background in their manner of the year entry in the states they are then composed in native and foreign born in america. Since the years of 1960 we have to acknowledge that the latino population has had a rapid growth due to the migration of Latin American and the Caribbean, as well as the high level of native born children with parents from these countries. This is why latinos are the largest minority group today, but it was in the 20th century that a turn occurred that their population would be likely to grow and grow. The immigrant population who were entitled naturalization are about 8.5 million in the year of 2005; more than a third roughly about 3 million was from Latinos that came from Mexican origin ( Saenz, Menjivar and Rodriguez 2008). The number of Mexican who were citizens raised up around 14 percent between the years of 1995 to the ea rly 2005. With this growth also rose up stereotypes towards Latinos, which perpetuated them from politicians. These stereotypes have fueled up the idea that immigrants are dangerous to the nation. America has come to the idea that Latinos are uneducated, drug dealers, rapist, and live on welfare; this is the reason why policies are put to tighten the control of the border (chavez 2008). Politicians encourage the singling out of criminal immigrants who appear of Mexican origin and enhance national security. These mandates are to build fencing around the border between United States and Mexico by the national guard. In this area means there is a failure of understanding of these groups of people, researchers consider if police tactics used on black and white residents have similarities to which Latinos are exposed to. As stated earlier Latinos who are undocumented are becoming targeted by federal agencies which single them out, and sets up conflict between the residents and police. Still the question of tactics used on Latinos by the police are unanswered.its noted that emergences of anti-immigrants orders have aimed to not allow illegals to obtain housing, demanding punishment to owners of businesses, and give permission to local officers to search illegals and question them about their status (Saenz, menjivar and Rodriguez 2008). Its important to see that the Latino population is composed by various individuals Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, ect. The population is growing and will soon represents one quarter in the United states Population by the year 2030 (chavez 2008). Early research on immigrants and Latinos has not quite informed current justice studies. Though research of crime related to Latinos has made a contribution in understanding the immigration trend of the early 1900s which we can include how immigrants respond to the criminal justice system and their reaction with the white hostility of non Latinos, which began during the immigration of Mexicans throughout the 1890s and 1930s. Many Mexican immigrants were arrested because of the conduct used to keep them in check and brutal arrest tactics were used in the communities (warnshuis 1931) they made the notion that born criminals are Mexican Americans and brought up national concern in this group of people, raising up the harsh measures with the latino youth and singling them out. Many people believed that the LAPD violated the Mexican American rights (escobar 1999). The system only leaves these individuals alone when they are needed for certain task Americans dont want to do. When crops ar e needed, they let the border patrol get immigrants for the work and once the season is over and theres no need for the workers anymore the number of deportation escalate quickly (samora 1971). Yet there is always concerns in immigrants crossing over are always getting fueled. This is another reason there always seems to be racial conflict in the southwestern of America. In most of the 20th century the hostile relationship with the LAPD and the chicano community created tension with the two and caused riots in urban areas around 1992. Much of current research on race has been put on the aggregate level, based on police reports. These studies have been very valuable because of the fact that it demonstrates the consideration of racial disparities with crime. Recent analyses on latino violence is based in Florida in the city of Miami with large immigrant and foreign born population ( krivo and peterson 2005). Individuals from Haiti, Jamaica, or Cubans that have a high disadvantage in there community due to crime and are in need of police assistance are provided with it, but if that assistance is either positive or negative is suspiciously not clear. Many other studies in neighbourhood violence and disadvantages are similar to Miami along the lines of San Diego in California as well as in Texas in its city of El Paso. This impact holds the case that ethnic variation cause violence. Extending that the residents in mexican communities have high contact with immigration around the border and that these agents will highly use aggressive control tactics to stop undocumented workers inside U.S. As the immigration increases many young Latinos are aggressively targeted regardless of their status in America. This information supports the findings that immigrant groups have various disadvantages and we should consider the way the police is treating them is not okay. Many questions should be addressed in the future sooner of later. Some questions along the lines of questioning the citizenship molding the ethnic differences and the police dissatisfaction. Moreover, there are many communities with high labor attached markets which mean Latinos in these communities will be hired for menial jobs. This attracts the law enforcement to come to these areas which specifically have a large number of working poor Latinos and use strategies to do sweeping of all Latinos even the ones that have documents of course many Latinos do not agree with this enforcement a recent survey from the pew hispanic center, there are reports of latinos who disapprove many measurements of enforcement (bejarno and Menjivar 2004) more than 80 percent of immigrants believe that federal authorities should take charge of the situation rather than local police men, roughly around 76 are against raids in the workplace. What they have noticed and agreed about was the increase of immigr ation enforcement that go singling out undocumented immigrants. This has put fear in many Latinos of being deported. It is clear that scholars need to broaden their focus to include Latinos and the levels of status in citizenship in with research on police treatment. Across the United States the growth of latinos has renewed the attention on ethnic, racial, and immigrant groups with their experience with police encounters across the region. It has also brought up the influx perpetuation of immigrant stereotypes by politicians. By incorporating this group it will provide a much broader understanding in the linkage of race and ethnicity and give expansion in a diverse study with whites, blacks, and Latinos. Its time to bring out the true statistics in reachers information on Latino immigrants.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Happiness Is The Ultimate Value Of Your Life - 1344 Words
Happiness. A word that seems so simple, but can be so hard to find. Everybody seems to revolve their world around â€Å"happiness.†However, we all have different views and ideas on what happiness may be. Some people believe that money and materials may bring them happiness, but in my opinion, happiness can be defined as the end value of your life that pleasurable moments, faith, and living in the moment can lead up to, just as my friend Tanna lived. Let’s take a deeper look into views of happiness that connect to my belief of what happiness is. Aristotle is a Greek philosopher and scientist who believes happiness is a final end or goal that encompasses the totality of one’s life. It is not something that can be gained nor lost in a few†¦show more content†¦Although many of us claim to a certain religion, there are some that do not, such as atheists. This does not mean that they cannot achieve happiness. Perhaps, they just have different beliefs, as Richard Carried describes: I believe in many things. I believe in the potential of humanity, in the power of reason, in the comfort of love, and in the value of truth. I also believe in the beauty and joy of human experience, and the nearly unlimited power of the human will to endure almost any hardship or solve almost any problem. I believe that faith can mislead people into falsehood, and that we need reason and doubt as necessary checks against our capacity for error. I believe that we need to allow our fellow human beings to make choices for themselves and to live the life they wish to, in mutual peace and goodwill. I believe that political negotiation and compromise -- fuelled by an honest measure of respect for different opinions, beliefs and lifestyles -- is the only way the world will find universal peace and goodwill, and that using the scientific method is the only way the world can arrive at an agreement on the truth about anything. I believe that it is better to preach the gospel of be good to your fellow man, and love each other as life itself, than to preach the gospel of believe in our religion or be damned. For it is better to be good to each other and to build on what we all agree to be true, than to insist that we allShow MoreRelatedAristotle Living a Human Life/Human Nature1638 Words  | 7 PagesLiving a human life/human nature Aristotle was a man of philosophy, science, and mathematics. He used these three tools to explain what he thought the purpose of being a human being was, and just what being a human being entailed. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Witness Essay Free Essays
Persuasive Essay – Witness Our separate individual identities are shaped by our interpretations of our society’s ideals and values. As individuals, we reflect in our personalities and actions by what we hear and see in the media, and through what we have observed personally in the world in general. Having an experience of our society’s rules, we are able to make informed decisions and choices by the ethical and moral concerns that we are bound by. We will write a custom essay sample on Witness: Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Despite this, when moving from one country to another, we may be confronted by a different system with distinct and perhaps seemingly unusual sets of principles. If this is indeed the case, this would be reflected by the different people in the country as a whole compared to our own. In order for unity and harmony to flourish between these two countries, establishing common ground is essential, or if this is not possible than an acknowledgement of some of their ideals and values and the abandonment of some of ours is necessary. However, in doing this we are losing our original identity. In the film, â€Å"Witness,†directed by Peter Weir, an Amish widow, Rachel Lapp, and her young son, Samuel, depart for Baltimore to visit their relative. They take a break in a railway station in Philadelphia and Samuel, in his need to explore and understand the new world he is surrounded by, begins wondering alone in his need to belong. In the men’s toilets, he is a witness to a murder and is traumatized by it. Evidently, it changes him and his views of the world are forever altered. When he is confronted by another Amish named Eli, he is asked a series of questions leading up to as to whether he would ever kill a man. Samuel replies to this question by stating, â€Å"†¦ nly the bad men†. Clearly, this emphasizes the change seen in Samuel through his interactions with others outside the Amish community. This proves that in general, the need to belong and the people we are influenced and surrounded by can have some significant impacts affecting who we become. Similarly, the need to blend in and belong can change the personality of an individual for the better. This is particularly seen in Witness when a cop named Jo hn Book is forced to flee his home when faced with danger. He breaks his ties and lives with the Amish in hideout to protect himself as well as Samuel, a key witness to a murder, along with his mother. During the period that John spends with the Amish he begins to recognize their way of life and grows an appreciation for it. This is indicated when he starts to dress like the Amish. When he does this for the first time, he asks Rachel whether he looks Amish. Rachel replies by commenting, â€Å"You look plain. †Further prove of his acceptance, is when John takes up carpentry and helps with the barn raising. Through these actions, later he is finally accepted by Eli; this is supported when he warns John when three dangerous looking men come to see him. John’s visit to the Amish community changes him. Some may argue that it is not the group we belong to that defines who we are. In fact, they may try to reassure us that it is only our individual actions that instigate who we become. This may be particularly true in matters where the need for someone to belong to is denied by their biological family. However, it cannot be taken as a rule in general and is rarely the case. As put forward by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, our search for a group to interact and be part of is essential before feelings of self-esteem and self-actualization can be met. For our needs to be met we would not try to establish relationships with those who we have nothing in common or loathe. We are more likely to form bonds to those who resemble us most and share common interests with. It is only when these ties are broken that we feel more susceptible of any danger looming our way and immediately we form new relations with a more different group. To fit in, this may require the adjustments of our own personality since every group has their own special and unique identity to begin with. In the case of both Samuel and John a change was observed in their identities as they migrated from one area to another to suit the needs of their particular environments. This change would have enabled them to more likely survive if they were to permanently live in such places. The clashing of ideals and values held by the Amish were not exactly intertwined with the principles of city living. For this reason a change was observed in the behaviours of both Samuel and John. However, one might ask, what would be the case for the exceptions? What about for the people who take no recognition in their own rules and despite everything try to break every single one of them? Would they fit snugly well in place with a completely different set of ideals and values? In this society would they be seen as the respective citizens? Who knows? Clearly it is hard to imagine such a place so different to our own but one thing is certain, a society’s way of living is what defines every individual who is part of it. How to cite Witness: Essay, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Creating and Delivering Value Proposition †
Question: Discuss about the Creating and Delivering Value Proposition. Answer: Introduction The customer value proposition is an important concept which refers to the value extended to the customers while selling the product or service. In the service industry, the customer value proposition refers to the services and offering which makes a product unique. It also distinguishes the organization from its competitors (Ulrich Brockbank, 2005). It helps in transmitting the message that the organization is unique and the customer can avail several benefits by buying the product of the organization. The customers buy the product from the most valued brand or they buy the product through which they can avail the maximum benefits. A customer value proposition can create value to the product or service offered to the customers. The primary objective of the business organization is to deliver real value to the customers. Several factors such as addition of economic value, growth and different performance measures are essential in delivering the value to the customers. The customer value proposition is significant as the customer make the purchase decision Based on their perceived value of the brand or the product, the customers make decisions to buy the product (Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda, Smith, 2015). There are several factors such as the perceived quality, product quality, service quality or the price of a specific product which plays a critical role of the purchase decision of the customers (Nasution Mavondo, 2008). There are several aspects which play a crucial part in developing a value proposition for the organization. It includes understanding of the goals, mission and other strategies of the organ ization and using it to deliver superior value to the customers. It will allow the organization in attracting new customers, retaining older ones and delivering significant profits to the customers. The customer value proposition refers to the total sum of benefits which are offered by the supplier to a customer. The customer pay a specific amount of money and receive a specific value from the vendor. In the marketing activities, the customer value can be defined as the value or the reason why a customer can buy a specific product or service. The customer value proposition is specifically targeted towards the potential customers and other stakeholder groups such as employees, business partners or the suppliers (Kordupleski, 2003). The customer value proposition is specifically defined so that the customers can be convinced that a particular product can bring more value in the lives of the customers. The value proposition can also distinguish a product from that of the competition. In the present competitive era, it is important for the business organizations to distinguish themselves from the competitors. It is important that the organization distinguishes itself from its competitors. The business organization should develop unique selling points which attract the customers towards the organization (Ulrich Brockbank, 2005). The customer value proposition is a concise statement which gives a message to the customers. It states why a specific product can bring more value in the lives of the people. There are several ways to develop the competitive advantage of a business organization, namely, promoting the superior features of the business organization, secondly, by promoting the differences with the competing organization or by focusing on the unique selling points of the organization. Different authors have provided different definition of customer value proposition. It can be defined as the perceived value of the product by the customers. The customers develop their perception after the evaluation of the services provided, product quality and the product price. It can be concluded that the organization should develop its customer value proposition while offering services or products to the customers. The customer value proposition is essential in developing the core competency of the organization. The value proposition sheds light on the extra value and benefits of the organization. It assist the companies to differentiate a brand from the others. The customers can select the most valuable brand which can offer it with the benefits and the advantages. The customer value proposition can increase the sales and the profitability of the organization. Service Blueprint at Four Seasons Hong Kong Four Seasons Hong Kong is one of the premier hotel industry organization in Hong Kong. It is located in one of the best destination in the country at the central district. All the hotel rooms have a spectacular view of the harbor and it also offers exceptional dining options to the customers. It has about 399 guest rooms which includes 54 luxury suites with captivating view of the city. The Victoria Harbor, Kowloon and the Peak are the captivating panoramas of the city. The accommodation and the rooms are well-equipped with state-of-art technology and sleek western style. The walls and the entry foyers are designed appropriately with the silk-paneled walls, Chinese furnishing and authentic ink paintings. The organization has a service culture which cannot be replicated. The goals, beliefs and the principles of the organization are different and promote the service oriented culture within the organization. It has developed an ethical culture within the organization wherein the organization abides by applicable ethics and laws. The ethical standards can prevent the bribery and corruption in the organization. It also evaluates the risk in the operations of the organization. The hotel has two restaurants which have received Michelin stars which offers unique dining experience under a single roof. It has a 24-hours fitness center which analyzes the spectacular view of Victoria harbor from the glass ceilings. It offers several cardiovascular machines, LCD, touch-screen television, headphones which can be used for providing training to the users. Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong has been successful in attracting the customers from all across the globe. It has a feng shui fountain which shows the traditional culture of the country. It is an award-winning hotel which attracts the customers with the spectacular views and the aura of exclusivity (McHugh, 2017). The hotel is located at the heart of the city in an exclusive corner which removes it from the business and the crowd of the main city. The hotel has its entrance to the International Finance Centre (IFC), and has links to the major centers, business districts, ferry terminals and walkways. The style and character of the place makes it quite unique and attractive. The huge glass lobby creates a luxury hotel ambience for the hotel. The reflection from the harbor creates a unique ambience for the restaurant and the hotel. It has an underwater music, beautiful pool and a spa. These features makes it unique proposition in the future. As the hotel is designed as a luxury hotel, it hotel management assures to provide excellent services to the customers. The luxury cosseting and services are a norm at the place (Barnes, Blake Pinder, 2009). It also has gym facilities which is opened 24 hours in the service of the people. Other than that, there are several tai chi services which are arrange d on the weekends. The hotel also arrange free dining at the top of the building for the exclusive guests. The hotel also has several decorate, bright rooms and the city view is exclusive when there are deep baths and walk-in showers (McHugh, 2017). There are several places to dine and drink in the country. The Chinese restaurant has three Michelin stars and amazing dcor. Other than that, the country has several dining options at a lower range. Service Blueprint of the Hotel The hotel is one of the prime hotel in the Hong Kong city. It provides exclusive services to the customers. The hotel has four Michelin star and provides exclusive services to the customers. The service blue print is an official document which comprises of all the services provided to the customers, right from the moment they enter the hotel. The service blueprint is a document which provides human resource actions, services provided and the infrastructure which assist in providing the services to the customers. The customer actions refers to all the actions which are taken by the customers while encountering the services. The customer action begins from the moment they enter the hotel. Exclusive services are provided to the customers once they enter the hotel. The physical evidence refers to the services which influence the perception of the customers. It is the interaction of the customers with the hotel staff which influence perception of the customers regarding the service quality. The physical staff entails various elements such as infrastructure, ambience and other factors which may impact on the business of the hotel. The Action of the Employees The action of the employees influence the perception of the customers regarding the services provided to the customers. All the customer-employee interaction which takes place, can be categorized into visible ad non-visible interactions. The non-visible actions refers to the interaction on the telephone or the emails. The visible contact refers to the face to face communication between the employees and the customers. In the visible actions, the employees directly communicate with the customers and are able to grasp the reaction of the customers. They are able to modify their response or behavior according to the reaction of the customers. It refers to the communication at the front office, with the housekeeping staff, staff present at the various facilities of the organization. The support process can enhance the service delivery and the communication process between the customers and the employees. Several processes such as HR, finance, infrastructural support can encourage the proper and efficient interaction of the employees with the customers. At the present time, continuous and 24 hours internet services are essential in delivering the customers with the efficient services. The operations of the hotel industry can be divided into front stage and the back stage operations. The front stage operations involve the direct interaction with the customers. On the other hand, the operations which does not involve direct interaction with the customers are called backstage operations. The backstage operations deals with the support services such as human resources, accounting and other operations. No direct encounter occurs with the customers; however, they are essential in the operations of the organization. They are also integral in imparting efficient services to the customers. Front Stage Operations of Hotel As discussed above, the front stage functions are essential part of the service delivery. The frontline interactions occur at the reception and with the housekeeping staff of the organization. It is important that the frontline staff greets the customers cordially and make them feel like at home. As discussed above, the backstage functions of the organization does not involve direct customer-employee communication, nevertheless, it is important for successful operations of the organization. These operations are vital for successfully running the business organizations. It involves the management of the human resources and the finances of the organization. Four Seasons Hong Kong is a four star hotel and provide excellent services to the customers during their stay. The customer value proposition is important in developing the customer base of the organization. The target market of the hotel is the international tourists who have a lot of time to spare at the leisure activities. It has designed the interior of the hotel in such a manner so that the stay at the hotel will be a pleasant experience for the customers. The hotel also provide premium services to the customers who visit the hotel. The ambience of the hotel is attractive and designed as per the traditional architecture of the buildings in Hong Kong. The design and the architecture of the hotel are critical in attracting a large number of tourists. Another aspect of the services provided to the customers residing in the hotel is that it provides premium services in housekeeping. The hotel visitors are always greeted with warm smiles and pleasant appearances. The house keeping st aff of the organization is provided excellent training so that they can learn various techniques to please the staff. They are provided training to handle difficult or adamant customers. Line of Visibility In service blueprint, the line of visibility differentiates the activities of the front office from that of back office. In the service blueprint, the line of visibility separate the activities of the front office with that of back office. The tangible evidence of the service is obtained from the front office and back office plans for the service delivery. Different points of service delivery process are kept different which are later linked by communication. This separation is created so that the organization can focus on the front stage activities which are important for influencing the customer perception of the service delivery. Designing efficient process and service delivery is beneficial for effectiveness of services and the back office operations have an indirect effect on the customers due to delay and errors. The line of interaction is the point in the service delivery at which the customers and the service interact with each other. The customers are no longer able to see the service beyond this point. The activities beyond this point are considered as the backstage activities. These activities support the interaction of the customers with the business organization. The strengths of the organization are the numerous services provided to the customers. There are several additional services such as 24*7 internet services, free wifi zone, 24 hours gym facilities and pool facilities. The rooms themselves are well-equipped with world-class facilities. The hotel staff is dedicated to provide excellent services to the customers. The customer value proposition of the organization is to provide world class facilities to the customers with the traditional tough on the Chinese culture. Its specializations in marriage planning and event organization is also a strength. The weakness of the organization is that it provides limited culinary services to the customers. It has limited social media presence; therefore, it attracts less number of customers. The company is also facing limited customer availability situation as the foreign customers are less aware of the hotel. The services developed within the organization have been capable of offering different value propositions to different market segments. The customers focused towards marriage planning can avail related offers. The organization has excellent event organization as well as culinary services. Other than that, there are several services for regular customers such as free Wifi, pool and sports facilities. Recommendations for Improving the Customer Value proposition of the Hotel It can be deduced from the above analysis that the organization customer value proposition is important for the organization. The customer value proposition is a concise statement which tries to state what the organization is going to offer with the help of the value proposition. The customer value proposition should be able to distinguish the organization from the competitors and present a positive image of the organization in front of the customers. The organization must be able to differentiate itself from the competitors with the help of customer value proposition. It is critical in portraying a unique image in the minds of the customers. In developing the customer value proposition of the organization, the company should be able to attract maximum customers. It is proposed that the organization makes alliances with the tourism companies so that they make the residential arrangements with the hotel only. The organization should also utilize social media marketing strategy to promote its customer value proposition. The present method will be beneficial in communicating to the mass audience at a quick pace. Other than that, the organization should also cater to needs of the international tourists while planning their stay. The food and dishes must be modified as per the taste. There should be a bilingual translator who can communicate the needs of the customers to other employees of the organization. At the present times, significant amount of population is vegan or vegetarian in their eating habits. It is important that the hotel is able to cater to the needs of these people. Therefore, the hotel should have one or two vegan or vegetarian dishes in their menu. The hotel must provide some discount to the referrals or the repeated visitors. It will increase the inflow of the customers in the hotel. The guests who arrive at the hotel should be well-received by the staff and their luggage is taken by the front-line staff in the hotel. Other than that, the hotel staff should cordially greet all the customers arriving at the hotel. As it is a cultural hotel, the gestures and the ambience of the hotel should reflect the traditional culture of the country. When the guest arrive at the reception, the receptionist should registers them in the portal and finds a room which suits the demands and the budget of the customer. If the customer has previously stayed in the hotel, then his past likes and dislikes should be considered before offering a room. The receptionists also make the customers aware of the leisure activities and the restaurant of the hotel so that they can spend the leisure time with convenience. It is important that the employee remains cordial and warm while communicating with these communication mediums. It is also necessary that the employees remain aware of the communication etiquettes on email and telephone. The communication with the distant customers impacts on the brand image of the organization. The communication should be polite and the receptionist must be able to communicate the leisure activities, facilities and other activities of the organization. The staff members should organize culinary and artistic tours for the customers. They can offer advices for touring the city. The housekeeping staff are always on their toes to serve the customers. Keeping in mind, the water theme of the restaurant, several pools should be opened in the organization. The hotel should offer specific amenities and services to the children. Other than that, several different rooms should also be made available for the non-smokers and physically challenged people. Conclusion It can be concluded that the customer value proposition is unique in selling the products or the services of the organization. It directly projects the services or the products of the organization to the customers. It creates a unique brand image of the organization in the minds of the customers. The Four Seasons Hong Kong is one of the most popular hotel in the city. The hotel offers world-class services to the customers and make them familiar with the excellent hospitality. It is recommended that the organization must add vegetarian dishes in its food menu. Other than that, it should cater to the taste of the international customers and offer dishes which are suitable for all the people. References Duchessi, P. (2004). Crafting Customer Value: The Art and Science. Purdue University Press. Barnes, C., Blake, H., Pinder, D. (2009). Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit. Kogan Page Publishers. Adamson, B., Dixon, M., Spenner, P. Toman, N. (2015). The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results. Penguin. Kordupleski, R. (2003). Mastering Customer Value Management: The Art and Science of Creating Competitive Advantage. Customer Value Management. Duchessui, P. (2004). Crafting Customer Value: The Art and Science. Purdue University Press. McHugh, F. (2017). Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. Telegraph. Retrieved on 30 November 2017 from Ulrich, D., Brockbank, W. (2005). The HR Value Proposition. Harvard Business Press. 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