Sunday, August 23, 2020
GLOBAL WARMING Essays (913 words) - Climate Change, Climate History
Running head: GLOBAL WARMINGThe Inconvenient Truth 1 A worldwide temperature alteration: The Inconvenient Truth Jonathon McNeil Center Tennessee State University October 27, 2015 The Inconvenient Truth 2 Conceptual The connection among's temperature and year was not critical. For a long time I have been cynic of an Earth-wide temperature boost in light of the fact that the atmosphere record av accessible to survey he impacts of expanded carbon dioxide discharge has been too short to even consider saying with certainty that the impact is genuine. There is no doubt that the convergence of carbon dioxide has been expanding exponentially for very nearly 50 years now however at a moderate rate. The Inconvenient Truth 3 The an unnatural weather change issue won't leave. Proof keeps on mounting that some kind of warming is happening, possibly briefly of longer term. Be that as it may, is it brought about by man and should anything be possible about it? Natural activism to decrease carbon dioxide emanations has arrived at another force. The U.S. Incomparable Court is being approached to administer on a suit which requests that the Environmental Protection Agency direct the arrival of carbon dioxide as a major aspect of its air contamination duty. The president is in effect intensely campaigned to buy in to the Kyoto Protocol which would require the U.S. to produce less carbon dioxide than it discharged in 1990. A book and a film with the titles, An Inconvenient Truth, which press the case for an unnatural weather change were discharged during 2006 by Al Gore, previous VP of the United States.1,2 He puts forth the defense that man's activities in consuming petroleum products are anticipated to build the centralization of carbon dioxide in the air to the most elevated levels ever. He demands that uncontrolled arrivals of carbon dioxide will in the long run soften the polar tops totally, raising ocean level and immersing numerous beach front networks like New York, Miami, New Orleans, and Los Angeles; and definitely changing farming examples as a result of redistribution of temperature and precipitation. Lastly, on February 2, 2007, the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report on a worldwide temperature alteration was discharged. Strikingly, the report diminished the doomsayer talk since atmosphere modelers found that they had overestimated the ascent in worldwide temperature and perceptions didn't bolster the expectations. Techniques The examination proposes that relationship among's temperature and year was not huge. R= 0.12 (individual) in this manner there is a .012 essentialness there will be an Earth-wide temperature boost P= noteworthiness connection is .478 essentialness relationship among's temperature and precipitation will probably cause an unnatural weather change. The Inconvenient Truth 4 Measurably noteworthy investigation conduced by Winchester, TN look into concentrate between 1968-2000 finished up specialists overestimated the ascent of an unnatural weather change. Results One potential situation might be found in an ongoing arrangement of articles by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Marsh, infinite beam authorities from Denmark, who have indicated a roundabout association between galactic vast beam (GCR) force and worldwide temperature.7,8,9 They are contemplating the impact of the Sun on the progression of GCR to Earth. The Sun's changing sunspot action impacts the magnetosphere encompassing the Earth allowing more GCR to strike the Earth during high times of action. At the point when the Sun is dynamic, the power of GCR striking the Earth is expanded, causing more ionization in the environment, making more carbon-14, and potentially making more cloud buildup cores (CCN). This expansion in CCN, thusly, seems to make all the more low-level mists which cool the Earth. At the point when the Sun hushes up the GCR power striking the Earth is diminished, permitting the Earth to warm. Svensmark and Marsh have demonstrated a striking measurable connection between' s sunspot movement and worldwide cooling and warming in the course of recent years. The ongoing ascent in worldwide temperature may somewhat be because of current low sun oriented action enhanced by an ongoing increment in carbon dioxide fixation estimated at Mauna Loa. The association which despite everything needs further examination is the creation of CCN and mists by GCR. Conversation Anyway, what would we be able to finish up? I trust it is sheltered to state that: A dangerous atmospheric devation seems to have been happening for the last 30-50 years. This warming may just be a momentary variance yet could be a more extended term pattern. Proof is as yet uncertain whether man is causing the warming. No common reasons for a dangerous atmospheric devation have been affirmed. The Inconvenient Truth 5 One potential new hypothesis is that galactic grandiose radiation (GCR) balanced by sun oriented action influences low-level overcast spread and is causing the warming. An Earth-wide temperature boost may influence a few
Friday, August 21, 2020
Immigrant Voting Eligibility and Requirements
Foreigner Voting Eligibility and Requirements Naturalization commonly increments as national decisions move nearer, as more workers need to take an interest in the just procedure. This is particularly obvious if movement issues become essential to the battles, as in 2016 when Donald Trump proposed constructing a divider over the U.S. fringe with Mexico and putting sanctions on Muslim outsiders. Naturalization applications expanded by 11% in the 2015 financial year throughout the prior year, and bounced 14% driving into 2016, as indicated by U.S. migration authorities. A flood in naturalization applications among Latinos and Hispanics seems connected to Trumps positions on migration. Authorities state by the November political decision, near 1 million new residents could be qualified to cast a ballot an expansion of about 20% over ordinary levels. Increasingly Hispanic voters is likely uplifting news for Democrats who have depended on settler support in late national races. More awful for Republicans, surveys indicated that eight out of 10 Hispanic voters had a negative supposition about Trump. Who Can Vote in the United States? Basically, just U.S. residents can cast a ballot in the United States. Outsiders who are naturalized U.S. residents can cast a ballot, and they have the very same democratic benefits as characteristic conceived U.S. residents. There is no distinction. Here are the fundamental capabilities for casting a ballot qualification: You should be a U.S. citizen.Green card holders, or changeless occupants, are not permitted to cast a ballot in national races. A couple of regions - just a couple - permit green card-holders to cast a ballot in civil races. Be that as it may, something else, as a foreigner, to take an interest in state and national races, you more likely than not finished the naturalization procedure and earned U.S. citizenship.You more likely than not lived in the state where you’re meaning to decide in favor of a base timeframe. It’s normally 30 days yet varies from certain states to other people. Check with your nearby races officials.You must be at any rate 18 years of age prior to political decision day. A couple of states grant 17-year-olds to cast a ballot in primaries in the event that they will turn 18 by the general political race. Check with your neighborhood decisions officials.You must not have a lawful offense conviction that excludes you from casting a ballot. On the off chance that you have been sentenced for a genuine wrongdoing, you should get your social equality reestablished to cast a ballot, and that’s not a simple process.You must not have been pronounced â€Å"mentally incompetent†by an official courtroom. Outsiders who are not naturalized U.S. residents face genuine criminal punishments on the off chance that they attempt to cast a ballot in a political race illicitly. They chance a fine, detainment or expelling. Additionally, it is significant that your naturalization procedure is finished before you attempt to cast a ballot. You more likely than not made the vow and officially become a U.S. resident before you can lawfully cast a ballot and take an interest completely in American majority rule government. Casting a ballot Registration Rules Vary by the State The Constitution permits the states wide tact to set democratic enlistment and political race rules. This implies enlisting to cast a ballot in New Hampshire can have unexpected prerequisites in comparison to enrolling to cast a ballot in Wyoming or Florida or Missouri. What's more, the dates of nearby and state decisions likewise differ from locale to ward. For instance, the types of ID that are adequate in one state may not be in others. It’s critical to discover what the guidelines are in your condition of habitation. One approach to do this is to visit your nearby state races office. Another route is to go on the web. Almost all states have sites where regularly updated casting a ballot data is promptly open. Where To Find Information on Voting A decent spot to discover your state’s rules for casting a ballot is the Election Assistance Commission. The EAC site has a state-by-state breakdown of casting a ballot dates, enrollment techniques and political race rules. The EAC keeps up a National Mail Voter Registration Form that incorporates voter enrollment rules and guidelines for all the states and regions. It very well may be an important device for settler residents who are attempting to figure out how to take part in U.S. vote based system. It is conceivable to utilize the structure to enlist to cast a ballot or to change your democratic data. In many states, it’s conceivable to finish the National Mail Voter Registration Form and essentially print it, sign it and mail it to the location recorded under your state in the State Instructions. You can likewise utilize this structure to refresh your name or address, or to enlist with an ideological group. In any case, by and by, states have various guidelines and not all states acknowledge the National Mail Voter Registration Form. North Dakota, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands don't acknowledge it. New Hampshire acknowledges it just as a solicitation for a non-attendant voter mail-in enlistment structure. For a fantastic outline of casting a ballot and races the nation over, go to the site where the administration offers an abundance of data about the majority rule process. Where Do You Register To Vote? You might have the option to join to cast a ballot face to face at the open spots recorded beneath. In any case, once more, recall that what applies in one state may not have any significant bearing in another: The state or neighborhood voter enlistment or races office, some of the time known as the races supervisor’s office.The division of engine vehicles. Indeed, where you get a driver’s permit is regularly additionally where you can enlist to vote.Certain open help organizations. A few states utilize the social administrations system to advance voter registration.Armed administrations enlistment focuses. A military selection representative might have the option to assist you with joining to vote.State-run programs that help individuals with disabilities.Any open substance that a state has assigned as a voter enlistment focus. Do some examination to see whether there’s an administration office close to you that may have the option to help. Exploiting Absentee or Early Voting As of late, numerous states have accomplished more to make it simpler for voters to take an interest through early democratic days and non-attendant voting forms. A few voters may think that its difficult to make to the surveys on the Election Day. Maybe they’re out of the nation or hospitalized, for instance. Enrolled voters from each state can demand a non-attendant voting form that can be returned via mail. A few states necessitate that you give them a particular explanation - a reason - why you can't go to the surveys. Different states have no such necessity. Check with your nearby authorities. All states will mail a non-attendant polling form to qualified voters who demand one. The voter may then restore the finished voting form via mail or in person. In 20â states, a reason is required, whileâ 27â states and the District of Columbia license any certified voter to cast a ballot truant without giving an excuse. Some states offer a lasting non-attendant voting form list: when a voter requests to be added to the rundown, the voter will naturally get a non-attendant voting form for every future political decision. Starting at 2016, Colorado, Oregon and Washington utilized all-mail casting a ballot. Each qualified voter naturally gets a voting form via the post office. Those voting forms can be returned face to face or via mail when a voter finishes them. More than 66% of the states - 37 and furthermore the District of Columbia - offer a type of early democratic chance. You can cast your voting form days before Election Day at different areas. Check with your neighborhood political decision office to discover what early democratic open doors are accessible where you live. Make certain To Check for ID Law in Your State By 2016, an aggregate of 36â states had passed laws expecting voters to give some type of distinguishing proof at the surveys, generally a photograph ID. Roughly 33â of these voter ID laws were relied upon to be in power by the 2016 presidential political race. The others are tied up in the courts. Laws in Arkansas, Missouriâ and Pennsylvania laws have been struck down going into the 2016 presidential race. The staying 17â states utilize different techniques to check the personality of voters. Once more, it differs from state to state. Most much of the time, other recognizing data a voter gives at the surveying place, for example, a mark, is checked against data on document. All in all, states with Republican governors and lawmaking bodies have pushed for picture IDs, asserting a better quality of personality check is expected to forestall misrepresentation. Democrats have restricted personal ID laws, contending the democratic extortion is for all intents and purposes non-existent in the United States and the ID necessities are a hardship for the older and poor. President Obama’s organizations have restricted the prerequisites. An investigation by analysts at Arizona State University discovered 28 instances of voter extortion feelings since 2000. Of those, 14% included non-attendant polling form misrepresentation. â€Å"Voter pantomime, the type of extortion that voter ID laws are intended to forestall, made up just 3.6% of those cases,†as per the study’s creators. Democrats contend that if Republicans were extremely genuine about taking action against the uncommon instances of misrepresentation that have happened, Republicans would take care of non-attendant democratic where the probability of unfortunate behavior is far more prominent. In 1950, South Carolina turned into the primary state to require recognizable proof from voters at the surveys. Hawaii began requiring IDs in 1970 and Texas followed a year later. Florida joined the development in 1977, and slowly many states fell in line. In 2002, President George W. Shrub marked the Help America Vote Act into law. It required all first-time voters in quite a while to show a photograph or non-picture ID upon either enlistment or landing in the surveying place A Brief History of Immigrant Voting in
Friday, July 10, 2020
Why Social Media And Persuasive Essay Should Be Performed In The Internet?
Why Social Media And Persuasive Essay Should Be Performed In The Internet?An influential and positive difference in the life of a person is always a matter of style. The difference is produced by the style of a person and the creativity of the person in his own ways. If you want to be in the company of your friends in any sphere then your responsibility is to make a persuasive essay that can match up with the fashion of the society.If you have to get out of the cramped spaces of your house, then you have to use your creativity and try to bring out a product that will go into the arena of the popularising or to be a populariser. If you are more interested in buying and consuming and if you are more interested in using the internet as your tool then you are less likely to take steps that will help the society. But if you have the interest in making a living from some good ideas then there is no harm in giving some of the ideas you have to be represented in the medium of social media.Us ing the internet for printing of an online article can be very useful for some people. It is the best way to spread a message that is relevant and they can use it in such a way that will enhance the growth of the society. There are various ways in which the society can be helped by a persuasive essay.There are many instances when the persuasive essay has been put up on the internet for using it as a medium of social media. People who use the internet for printing of their persuasive essay have already presented their ideas and opinions that can help the society. They also have accepted the fact that this is the most efficient method of sharing their ideas and opinions. The success of the online article can be enhanced by the strong support from the social media sites.They can also spread their ideas and opinions through the different ways like in an online article. Once the essay is printed and the essay is saved by the website of the author, it can be presented by using the social media sites. There is a good possibility that the people who are interested in the points put down in the essay will understand it well and the life of the people can also be made easier. This is the best way in which the people can enjoy some good ideas and opinions.There are some things that can be done to make a persuasive essay to be successful. The first thing is that the article must be easy to read. The essay should be well written and the content should be very relevant and clear. The most important thing is that the essay must be in all sense readable and clear so that people will be able to understand and remember it.The writer should also not forget that the internet is the best place for the generation of ideas and opinions of the society. When the society gets their ideas from the internet, they can easily use it and they will not be reluctant to accept the ideas. Therefore the best way to give a persuasive essay is through the internet.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Core Vs. Sociological Theory - 918 Words
Midterm Essay: Core Figures in Sociological Theory What is the meaning of life? Ah, a question that has pondered the mind of an individual for eons and eons. In a feudal society, it was common to turn to faith and religion to answer such question. Eventually, man became hungry for evidence and truth, thus the Enlightenment was born. The Enlightenment was a period of remarkable intellectual development that occurred in Europe during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. The Enlightenment criticized the feudal ideologies of faith and tradition by fusing rationalism and empiricism. The goal or premise of the Enlightenment was the idea that humans are infinitely perfectible and the way society is structured is what keeps us†¦show more content†¦This revolution lead people to migrate from their farms to the city and from agricultural work to factory work to produce a mass production of manufactured goods. The Enlightenment was for progress and advancement which is why industrialization took place but Karl Marx, one of sociology’s core figures, was concerned with this economic and social change. Karl Marx was a German philosopher and sociologist; who was known for his work with Friedrich Engels in The German Ideology (1845-1846). In this writing, Marx teaches us his theory of materialist conception of history which shows that the world by its exact nature is built by matter. Additionally, materialism states that matter is primary and thought is secondary and derived from the material world. Marx deems that ideas or interests have no existence independent of physically reality. Unlike George Hegel, a German philosopher who became a great influence to Marx, Marx believes that experiences determine ideas. He asserts â€Å"Consciousness can never be anything else than conscious existence, and the existence of men is their actual life-process†and he also states â€Å"Life is not determined by consciousness but consciousness by life.†Therefore, everything mental say, consciousness, politics, law, morality, religion, philosophy, etc., is actually a result of our mat erial world. Marx
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Taqa Assessor Award Essay - 6595 Words
1.1 Assessment is about judging if, how and what level of learning has taken place. An assessors function is to decide if a learner has developed skills, knowledge, understanding and competence in a particular field as well as if the learner is showing the attitude required for the application of the learning within that field. Assessing is not the same as evaluating. Rather than the focus being on the programme or course the learner is on (evaluation), the focus is instead on the learner and their development. Assessors need to determine a learners knowledge and performance against a set of pre-defined criteria. These criteria may be set up to assess learning for an eventual formal qualification in a particular topic or job role.†¦show more content†¦work based practice) or questioning of the learner around relevant topics or learner led activities such as written assignments, work based products (e.g. letters, reports or presentations) or reflective statements. Assessments of these can occur as they go along (formative) or at the end (summative). With all of the activities carried our by the learner (with or without the assessor) the assessor needs to make decisions on the learners competence in relation to the requirements of the qualification. The assessor should make their judgements of success or not and provide constructive feedback to the learner in a way that best suits the individual. If any further action is necessary for the completion of the qualification criteria (i.e. more training, description of knowledge or other evidence of ability) then a further plan should be agreed to achieve this. All such information discussed and agreed should be recorded appropriately at each stage. At any stage of the assessment process the progress of the learner can be reviewed and plans can be amended, updated or changed in agreement with the learner and according to need. This allows: learners to raise issues relevant to their needs for completion of the qualification; assessors opportunities to amend assessment plans if it becomes necessary; and flexibility if environmental or other factors arise (such as issues relating to any third party involved in theShow MoreRelatedTaqa Assessors Award Essay2850 Words  | 12 PagesQuestion 1 To judge whether evidence is sufficient, authentic and current it is important as an assessor to attend standardisation meetings and to keep up to date with the regulations of the relevant awarding body. If in doubt it is important to double heck. Evidence is deemed to be sufficient if it is understandable and presented in a clear manner, contains content deemed appropriate for the level of the award and meets all the learning criteria, regulations and requirements set out in the assessmentRead MoreAssessment and Quality Assurance Essay examples1221 Words  | 5 Pagesattention that the acronym TAQA has been adopted by a private training provider as their company name. The TAQA acronym has been used by City Guilds since early in 2010 to represent the group of Training Assessment and Quality Assurance qualifications which were launched in September 2010. City Guilds has no relationship with the training provider and does not in any way endorse their work, services or products. LLUK Consultation for Learning and Development Awards The TAQA Assessment and InternalRead MoreAwarding Body Guidance For Centre1495 Words  | 6 Pagescentre management team; assessment and Internal Quality Assurance staff; verifying a sample of learners’ evidence; talking to learners, reviewing relevant centre documentation and systems. ï ¶ Staff development, including guidance and support for assessors and internal quality assurance staff as part of an external verification visit or as a bespoke session for centres. Gravells A (2015) in her Handout E9009 (V2) States that â€Å"The cycle will continue to ensure the assessment and IQA process is constantlyRead MoreCG Assessor Award Handbook Essay20565 Words  | 83 PagesLevel 3 4 Awards Certificates in Assessment and Quality Assurance Qualification handbook for centres 6317 6317-30, 6317-31, 6317-32, 6317-33, 6317-40, 6317-41, 6317-42 February February 2011 Version 1.3 ( February 2011) About City Guilds City Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500Read MoreFunctions, Concepts, and Principles of Assessment5193 Words  | 21 PagesTAQA Assignment T2 1. What are the functions, concepts and principles of assessment in learning and development? (1.1, 1.2) The functions of assessing a student are to ensure that learning and development has taken place against a certain criteria. It allows the assessor to measure and prove the competence , knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable the student to achieve a qualification. This is carried out by using different assessment techniques such as observation, projects
A behavioural perspective on the consumers -
Question: Discuss about the A behavioural perspective on the consumers. Answer: Introduction Marketing research and survey play a significant role to examine and evaluate the environment and challenges of the market. It also helps to assist and guide the firm in promoting and enhancing the operations and practices. Here is the discussion about the company, which has been chosen in the previous assessment, i.e. Coca-Cola Company. The paper explains the growth, pestle analysis, profitability and current trends of the organization. Furthermore, the report also explains the significance of the primary and secondary market of the company. None of the firm can survive its business without a target audience. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest leaders in the beverage sector, but still, some challenges and barriers are faced by the firm. It depicts that how primary market affects decision-making process in an organization. At the end, a positioning map is formulated by considering the primary market, competition, and level of involvement of the target audience. Description about organization and industry Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage corporation, marketer, and retailer of nonalcoholic beverage syrups. The firm is famous for its flagship products and services. The organization was founded in 1886 with its headquartered is located in the United States. Coca-Cola franchise is the biggest beverage industry in the world. It dominated a 48% of the global market share. The firm operates its business activities and operations in more than 200 countries. The company offers a wide range of products such as juices, tea, coffee, sports beverages, and water. Muhtar Kent is the chairmen of the organization with James Quincey as a chief executive officer and president. The main objective of the firm is to maximize and increase the long-term return to shareholders while being attentive to overall roles and responsibilities. In todays modern world, Coca-Cola Company is increasing and maximizing returns and revenue of the firm. The firm is a soft drink empire and serves custo mers across the world (Coca Cola, 2017). Growth Coca-Cola is the biggest seller of non-alcoholic beverages in the world. The company reported fall in revenue in the third quarter by 14.62% to $ 9, 078,00 million from the same quarter in 2016. On the other hand, the dividend of the organization has been increased. Approximately, 22,000 Coca-Cola beverages and soft drinks are consumed every second in the market. Apart from this, the firm uses growth and corporate level strategies to increase the demand and sale of the products and services. (Source: Adam Levine, 2017) Profitability The statistic indicates the Coca-Cola financial key figures and companys revenue from 2009 to 2016. In 2016, the firm revenue amounted to 35,12 billion U.S. dollars. The organization is a producer, manufacturer, marketer and retailer of non-alcoholic beverages and Coca-Cola is well known and famous for its soft drinks and beverages in the market (Statista, 2017). The revenue and income of the company have been shown in below diagram. (Source: Statista, 2018) Environmental analysis (Pestle analysis) PESTLE analysis is conducted for analyzing and identifying various macro environment factors in a country that influence progress and success of the firm. It comprises several macro environment factors such as political factors, economic factors, social factors, technology, legal and environmental factors (Mashhadi Ijaz-Ur-Rehman, 2012). The pestle analysis for Coca-Cola Company has been discussed below. Political factors: These factors play an integral role to achieve objectives and goals of the firm. The political factors include tax policy, trade limit, environmental laws and regulations imposed on the recruiting and appointing workers and services rendered by the government. Coca-Cola needs to monitor political factors to recognize and measure strengths and weaknesses of the competitors. Economic factors: It is significant to consider economic factors in order to gain long-term profitability and returns. Coca-Cola distributes its products different countries. These countries follow different cultures, desires, values, and customers. The key economic elements include disposable income, inflation rate, interest rate, unemployment rate, gross domestic product, retail price index and exchange rates. All these factors affect demand and supply of the firm. These factors should be considered by the organization to gain outputs and results. Social factors: Coca-Cola distributes its beverage products in several countries. Therefore, social factors affect the sustainability of the organization. The social factors include customs, values, belief, and culture. For example, in Japan, the company creates 30 alternatives flavors to appeal to Japanese consumers. On the other hand, in America, people focus on their health. The organization needs to respond to these needs, requirements, and desires by creating healthy products and services (Anders, 2011). Technology factors: Coca-Cola focuses on technology development to expand and flourish business activities and operations globally. The company has factories in Britain with the top of the name machinery to ensure quality product development and fast delivery items. The firm uses social media technology to connect with the target audience (Ashurst, 2016). Legal factors: The association maintains and retains all rights and legislation related to their business, including future and past products developed and built with a patented process. Environmental factors: Coca-Cola is influenced by water accessibility. Water is essential for soft drink development. Along with this, climate changes and weather also affect the growth and development of the firm. Various water accessibility issues are faced by the firm. As a result, Coca-Cola company will have to suffer loses. All these are the significant factors that are affecting the business growth of Coca-Cola company in the United States. Therefore, the organization needs to consider these factors to evaluate and analyze the plans, policies, and strategies of the competitors (Rothaermel, 2015). Market segmentation Market segmentation is the process of segmenting a broad customer or business market into different sub-groups or consumers on the basis of choices and characteristics of people. Coca-Cola uses different methods and techniques to divide the market into different customers. The firm divides its market between primary and secondary market (Wedel Kamakura, 2012). The target market for Coca-Cola Company has been stated below. Primary target market The primary target market is the target audience of the market that provides better opportunities to the firm for maximizing the sale of its beverage products. The company is monitoring needs, requirements, and choices of customers. Coca-Cola divides its primary market on the basis of demographic and behavioral (Powell Gard, 2015). The primary target market of the organization is 12 years older. Along with this, the people who are the between 20 to 30 years also prefer Coca-Cola beverage products. The drink is conveniently packaged to take with customers on the go anywhere. Coca-Cola drink is considered most successful drink that is popular in many countries. Furthermore, athletes also prefer soft drink of the firm because it is healthier for people. These are the target audiences, which help to increase profitability and sales in the competitive market. In addition, primary target customers are the people who buy its products to fulfill the basic needs and demands (Weinstein Cahil l, 2014). Secondary market Secondary target market plays an integral role to attract and retain more consumers in the global world. In the secondary market, consumers may have fewer needs, requirements, and demand for the beverage products of the firm. For Coca-Cola, the secondary market is adults and teenagers (De Mooij, 2013). This target segment involves student from schools, colleges who require soft drinks to become healthy and well being. In this market segment demand and requirements of Coca-Cola products and services are less in comparison to the primary target market. Now it is assumed that the company should focus on the primary and secondary target audience to increase and enhance the sale of food and beverage products. The firm is also trying to target health-conscious consumers in the global market. For this purpose, the organization is enhancing and encouraging advertisement and promotional strategies (Paliwoda Thomas, 2013). Level of involvement of primary target market in organizational decision making Market segmentation plays is an integral role to make effective and dynamic decisions. Coca-Cola divides its market on the basis of psychographic, behavioral, demographic and geographic attributes and features. Primary target market is an essential part of the company to make unique decisions. When Coca-Cola produces new food and beverage products, enormous types of marketing research and survey are conducted by the organization to attract the target audience. The level of involvement of primary target audience is too high to participate in decision-making process in the organization. After considering the primary target audience, Coca-Cola is able to make a decision regarding to produce new products. The firm focuses on the needs, desires, and choices of the target market to introduce new beverage products and services. After using targeting and segmentation strategies, the company will make decisions related its positioning of food and beverage products (Coenen, Huitema O'Toole Jr , 2012). For example, Coca-Cola is introducing new soft drinks and beverages by dividing the target market on the basis of age, gender, and caste. The organization launches its products as per the demands and needs of the primary target market. After segmenting the market, the firm focuses on the targeting to attain mission and vision of the firm (Oliver, 2014). Various types of marketing surveys and advertisement campaigns are conducted by the company to reach its target market. In the last phase, Coca Cola determine consumers perceptions and wants by using positioning strategies. The association also focuses on the positions of competitors in the global market. It also focuses on tastes and preferences of consumers to stand out against the competitors in the market. Now it can be said that primary target market highly involves in the decision-making process to make an innovative decision in the organization (Solomon, Russell-Bennett Previte, 2012). Nature of competition When an organization launches new products and services in the market, various researchers and surveys are conducted by the firm to evaluate and analyze the nature and level of competition in the competitive market. It also helps to analyze and identify the risks and opportunities of the market. There is immense and high competition exists among the soft drink and beverage companies in the market (Keller Price, 2011). Pepsico, Red Bull, Fanta, Coke, and Sprite are the primary competitors of Coca-Cola Company. PepsiCo is the biggest competitor of the company that affects the trading activities and operations of Coca-Cola. SWOT analysis and porter five model are used by the firm to identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors (Nair Selover, 2012). The comparison and contrast between strengths and weaknesses of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been discussed below. Strengths Coca Cola PepsiCo Effective and dynamic brand equity is maintained by the firm. It provides a large market share to expand and explore the business activities. Coca-Cola uses attractive and fantastic marketing and promotional strategies. It provides effective distribution network and maintains customers loyalty. It is one of the significant and well-known brands in the world in the beverage and food sector. It uses effective and unique product portfolio. Employee strength of the firm is approx 300,000 people. It uses effective supply chain network to increase the demand for the products. Weaknesses Coca-Cola PepsiCo There is high competition in the market. Product diversification is poor and low. Water management is another issue in the organization and it does not provide healthy beverages. Many foods and beverage products hurt image and position of the firm. Heavy and strong competition in their soft drinks category. From this competitive analysis, it can be assumed that the firm maintains one of the largest positions in soft drinks and food industry. The comparison and contrasting of strengths and weaknesses of the firm show that both the organizations are rivalry with their own policies, plans, strategies and attributes to beat the competitors in the world. Positioning map of Coca-Cola After taking consideration to primary target audience, competition, and level of involvement of primary market, a positioning map is originated for Coca-Cola Company. By this positioning map, the firm indicates perceptions and wants of its customers in the market. The positioning map for Coca-Cola is drawn below. Conclusion On the above-mentioned analysis, it can be evaluated that Coca-Cola maintains an effective and dynamic position in food and beverage industry across the world. The trading activities and operations of the firm are continuously growing with increasing the demand for its products and services. Pestle analysis and SWOT analysis show strengths and weaknesses of the competitors in the global world. Apart from this, the firm also focuses on the target market to promote and enhance its business operations and activities. Competition also influences the growth rate of the firm adversely. Therefore, the firm set appropriate prices to attract and retain more consumers in the competitive market. In addition, a positioning map is created by the firm on the basis of competition and level of involvement of customers. References Anders, J. (2011). Coca-Colas Marketing Strategy: An Analysis of Price, Product and Communication. Ashurst, P. R. (2016).Chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. John Wiley Sons. Coca Cola., (2017). Our company, retrieved on 5th January 2018, Coenen, F. H. J. M., Huitema, D., O'Toole Jr, L. J. (Eds.). (2012).Participation and the quality of environmental decision making(Vol. 14). Springer Science Business Media. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Keller, S., Price, C. (2011).Beyond performance: How great organizations build ultimate competitive advantage. John Wiley Sons. Mashhadi, A. H., Ijaz-Ur-Rehman, Q. (2012). Impact of external environment on the performance of the fast food industry.International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences,1(1). Nair, A., Selover, D. D. (2012). A study of competitive dynamics.Journal of Business Research,65(3), 355-361. Oliver, R. L. (2014).Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Paliwoda, S., Thomas, M. (2013).International marketing. Routledge. Powell, D., Gard, M. (2015). The governmentality of childhood obesity: Coca-Cola, public health and primary schools.Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education,36(6), 854-867. Rothaermel, F. T. (2015).Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Solomon, M., Russell-Bennett, R., Previte, J. (2012).Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. Statista., (2017). Coca Colas revenue and income from 2009 to 2016(in million U.S dollars), retrieved on 5th January 2018, Wedel, M., Kamakura, W. A. (2012).Market segmentation: Conceptual and methodological foundations(Vol. 8). Springer Science Business Media. Weinstein, A., Cahill, D. J. (2014).Lifestyle market segmentation. Routledge.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Ironies In Orwells 1984 Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Ironies in Orwell's 1984 The novel 1984, by George Orwell, has many examples of irony throughout it. The two major types of irony: verbal irony and situation irony, are demonstrated again and again in this novel. In the following essay I will discuss these types of ironies and give examples of each from the book. The first type of irony is verbal irony, in which a person says or does something one way, but the true meaning is the opposite. One of the first example of this irony is discovered when the main character, Winston Smith, uses the "Memory hole" to deposit things -- one would think that this would be where things are remembered ("Memory"), but it's actually an incinerator. The next example of irony comes when you learn about the departments of Government in Oceania. The Ministry of Truth is actually the maker of lies for the history books, the Ministry of Love discourages love, and the Ministry of Peace is actually quite violent. The final example of verbal Irony can be seen in the name of the leader of Oceania, "Big Brother." The concept of a big brother is one whom is older and wiser and helps the "littler siblings" -- this not the case with 1984's Big Brother. The Big Brother in this novel completely watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear. The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown how horrible his health is and is continually getting worse and more difficult, but as Winston gets involved with Julia then he begins a metamorphosis into a more healthy person. Another major example is the betrayal of many of the people whom Winston thought were his friends, such as Mr. Charrington and even O'Brien- -who both worked for the Thought Police. This book is stuffed full of irony, the entire plot of the beginning would makes the reader expect one reaction and instead, the reader gets twisted the complete opposite direction at the end for surprise. George Orwell uses irony as sort of an exhibit, making it virtually the "how to write irony" novel for me. Throughout the book, all of the irony used became negative and depressing, I still thought this book made its point successfully and was an incredible novel.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Qualitative Data Collection
Qualitative Data Collection This qualitative research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of various academic activities and determine which of them should receive more attention. In this paper we need to work out strategies of data collection and sampling. At the moment Green Valley Community College has faced the necessity to implement changes into the curriculum due to the fact that many students feel dissatisfied with absence of technology use in the classroom and inappropriate educational methods.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Qualitative Data Collection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is why it is crucial to assess the attitude of students, parents and teachers toward the curriculum. On the basis of these findings, the administration will be able to tailor the courses, offered to the learners. The key method which is going to be used is qualitative survey. This survey will include different types of questions. First, I intend to include contingency questions in this survey. For instance, one of them will look in the following way: â€Å"Do you feel satisfied with the quality of training, provided at Green Valley Community College? If no, tell which areas require improvement.†Furthermore, I would like to apply a five-point Likert scale item in order to measure students’ and teacher’s attitudes toward the curriculum. This question can take this form, †How do you feel about the curriculum in Green Valley Community College?†. The respondent will need to choose one of these options: Very Satisfied; Satisfied; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Very Dissatisfied. In this way, I will be better able to evaluate the perceptions and attitudes of the participants. The questions in this survey will prompt the learners and faculty to make recommendations about academic curriculum, the use of technologies, and educational methods. I do not plan to use Yes/No and force d-choice questions in this survey because they are not very suitable for measuring people’s perception and attitudes. Under the circumstances, a longitudinal survey study will be necessary, because it helps to understand how attitudes and perceptions change over a certain period of time (Lodico et al, 2010, p 202). In my opinion, this approach will let us see whether the new teaching methods and academic activities have managed to improve the quality of education in this college or not. At the point, I have yet to determine whether it will be a one-shot or longitudinal study.Advertising Looking for assessment on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The duration of this research will depend on the decision of the board of directors. A longitudinal study requires more time and funding, however, its findings are much more reliable. In turn, a one-shot study only measures current perceptions and attitudes, b ut it cannot track the change of people’s attitudes. This study will have three groups of subjects: 1) students; 2) faculty; 3) parents. I have yet to determine the exact number of participants; however, I would like to use the so-called snowball sampling, which means that the respondents, themselves, help a researcher to find new subjects (Gray et al, 2007, p 117). In other words, those students or faculty members, whom we have already interviewed, can refer us to their group-mates or colleagues. It has to be admitted that such approach to sampling is usually very time-consuming, because the number of participants may grow at a very fast pace (Babbie, 2008). Nonetheless, this strategy will enable me to better understand the needs of both learners and educators. According to my estimations, this research will involve at least thirty representatives of each group. It should be taken into consideration that in the course of this research, I will also need to study several locat ions within the college. As it has been noted before, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of new technologies. In this case, I will need to pay special attention to computer labs, library and class rooms. The key task is to determine whether computers and software solutions, used in this college, are well-suited for the needs of the students and faculty. This analysis will allow the administration to see what kind of technologies is most needed. Perhaps, some computers and programs require updating and upgrading. The most convenient method of data collection is observation. There are several steps which I need to take in order to gain permission for the study. First of all I need to contact the board of directors. These people are the key decision-makers in Green Valley Community College. They will determine the amount of time and funding that would be available for the needs of this research. I will need to explain the potential benefits of this research for this educati onal institution. Moreover, I will need to contact the faculty members to make an appointment with them. It will also be necessary to contact both parents and students and explain to them the rationale for this study.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Qualitative Data Collection specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The findings of this research can be of great assistance to the administration of Green Valley Community College and other educational institutions, which have also encountered such a problem as students’ dissatisfaction. Still, the reliability and usefulness of this study will strongly depend on the research design, data collection procedures and accuracy of analysis. Reference List Babbie. E. (2008). The basics of social research. NY: Cengage Learning. Creswell, J.W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Pearson Education. Gray. P. Williamson J. Karp D. (2007). The Research imagination: an introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods. Cambridge University Press. Lodico, M. G., Spaulding, D. T., Voegtle, K. H. (2010). Methods in educational research: from theory to practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Alcohol a nectar of the Gods
Alcohol a nectar of the Gods The taste is pure satisfaction. It is advertised everywhere and sooner or later you are bound to try it. Just the smell of it can cause some lucky alcoholics to begin salivating at the mouth. Alcohol can lead to the wonderful world of addiction. If you are one of the selected few, you could become an alcoholic very quickly. Upon becoming an alcoholic, your life is bound to fall into place. Everyday will be packed with free time. Free time to drink all day and do as you please because you have most likely been fired from your job by now. If you are still working, just keep going in half tanked and hung over. The supervisors tend to really love this. Alcoholism can possibly make for tight funds. So drink cheap beer and get some rich, alcoholic friends to support your habit with. If you want to experience something totally euphoric, try driving under the influence. Driving gets much more interesting with blurred vision. If the cops catch you drinking and driving, they will haul you off to jail and lock you up in a cell for the remainder of the night. Its kind of like staying in a hotel if you think about it. If you have a chance to escape the law, put the pedal to the metal because they usually end up confiscating all your stash and a lot of beer money. My only tip is drive after each night out because you know what they say, practice makes perfect. Also, if you are a person who likes to change cars frequently, drinking and driving provides the perfect opportunity, because you bound to hit a telephone pole or two. Being an alcoholic is one sure way to get the women and be proud of yourself. Girls really get into the staggering and bad breath. Girls think it is really great when you need them to lean on, preventing you from falling to the floor. And if a girl smells alcohol on your breath you can bet they will be standing in line to make out with you that night. The glossy, red eyes from being drunk let girls know that you are really into them and think they are the most beautiful thing on the earth. Being drunk often brings words of wisdom and the best out of everyone. It is almost guaranteed that you will wake up in the morning and be so proud and pleased with everything you said and did the night before. Another great thing about drinking is when you fall asleep you will sleep better than when you were a baby. You know you ve reached the ultimate goal of any alcoholic when you like to drink alone just as much as with others. Drinking alone makes you so independent. Drunks set many good examples and hold moralistic values. It could be said that your typical drunk could be any model American. With so many great results from drinking, I can’t understand while anyone would hesitate to start. Drinking stimulates physical implications on the body. Waking up the next morning after a long night of drinking with a hangover is the perfect re ason to start drinking again. That pounding headache and nauseated feeling is enough to drive anyone to tip back a bottle of booze. Without another beer, it could be hours before you walk straight again. Repeated drinking episodes with hangovers will eventually lead to interesting internal defects. Topping the list would have to be dead brain cells, and a liver that refuses to work. You will know you fit into this category when you cant spell your name you are scheduling your dialysis. Alcohols effects over life are constant. From immediate results amplified through hangovers to lifetime disorders, it makes visiting the doctor a guessing game.When you feel your life is coming to end due to the effects of alcohol, do not fret, because you will have known you lived life to its fullest. The biggest legend of all would have to be the man that died of alcohol poisoning when he got up to see who was at his door. It was the Alcohol Anonymous group. He sure showed them. I hope that you now understand all the benefits tha t come from being an alcoholic. Please drink for the well-being of yourself, because beer isnt just for breakfast anymore.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7
Political Science - Essay Example They are applied equally to all humans without discrimination and hence they are universal in nature and represent a common standard of achievement for all people and nations. When we talk of someone ‘having a right’ or ‘it is their right’, reference is made to human rights. Rights therefore entail entitlement to something and an obligation for someone else to provide it. Governments are obligated with the duty of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. If the right is endangered or denied, a person can make special claim on moral, political and social ground. Rights are thus a field of rule governed interactions centered on and under control of right holder (Donnelly, 8). Right holders are therefore not passive beneficiaries of their rights but are actively in control of them. Some rights apply to particular groups of people in order to achieve full humanity such the rights of women, children, disabled and the marginalized but should not contradict with other human rights. Human rights are based on an agreed convention such as universal declaration of human rights which governs claims of human rights and has been ratified by nations to guide their laws and international law. Human rights have become an important feature of contemporary international politics in recent years. Before the Second World War, human rights were a domestic affair. Each nation exercised these rights as it deemed necessary and states were sovereign. No states or international community was allowed to interfere with internal affairs of another nation. During the war, many atrocities were committed against people which made the protection of human rights an international priority (Viotti & Kauppi, 286). Women, children, Jews and homosexuals were murdered by Nazi government. The international community intervened and those responsible were charged for crimes against humanity. Human rights issues were discussed at UN meetings and
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Community Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Community Health Nursing - Essay Example In the past, those applying for health insurance had to have restrictions included in their medical insurance offering if they had additional medical conditions. In South Carolina, individuals who are eligible for HIPAA can choose to acquire individual medical insurance from the state’s High Risk Pool which is required to proffer individual medical insurance to all persons, including those with medical conditions. There are also organizations such as Medicaid to cover individuals who live on a limited income and have fulfilled the requirements of the South Carolina’s Medicaid eligibility panel. Mini-Med, or Guaranteed Health Insurance, is another option for individuals that are not able to meet the requirements for personal major medical insurance. These options are attainable for most people as those who have problems with income have the option of purchasing an insurance plan which has lower premiums and a high deductible that will cover them for accidents or even major illnesses. Such individuals could also opt for temporary health insurance in order to obtain stopgap coverage when unemployed. My definition of health is influenced by a combination of factors. My education stipulates that physical health is achieved when the body is not affected by illnesses and has elements from the major food groups to oversee its continuation. However, my culture also emphasizes on the importance of spiritual as well as mental health if a human being is to be completely healthy. I live in a multicultural society, and so my definition of health is also affected by the beliefs of different cultures in my community. For instance, there are people who feel that it is very important for family connections to remain close if all members of the family are to remain in optimum health. This is because this particular community beliefs that bad relationships in the family, or strained ties, interfere with the positive energy within families which is
Friday, January 24, 2020
Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen Essay -- Personal Narrative Essay E
Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen "Excuse me, do you speak German?" - outside of that church's organ recital in Bonn, Germany, the distinct Japanese accent caught me by surprise. My weeks of study and internship gave me new confidence, so I answered, "Yes, yes I do." The Japanese woman's companion, seeing my nod, immediately began to overflow with German praises. I looked at her, elderly, in a wheelchair, and she told me the story: that music-loving Japanese woman pushed that music-loving German woman out of the church, medieval in design and thus not disabled-friendly. "What generosity," I translated in my native tongue, the only go-between these women had. "A million thanks for your help, I couldn't have made it out without you." The Japanese woman nodded, understanding, but her only reply was, "Does she need me to take her somewhere else?" "No, no, and thank you - God bless," I translated. The German woman smiled, grabbed her hand, kissed it. She grabbed my hand, kissed it too, and wheeled away over the cobblestones. Awestruck, I smiled to the Japanese w...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Interpersonal Communication Essay
First off, let me welcome you to a brand new world of love, care family bonds and holy matrimony. My name is Stacey Lindsey, and I am going to give you an idea of interpersonal communication is going to affect your lives, and the skills/knowledge you will need in order to find yourselves together and still happy 50 years down the road. Marriage today seems, to some, to be a fly-by-night operation. I stand here today writing you to let you know that this does not have to be the case. If you two are willing to take suggestions and follow a simple set of rules based on a healthy relationship built on proper interpersonal communication, then you have a chance to find yourself happy and in love for some time to come. Communication is the keystone to any strong relationship. In order to truly understand ourselves and our loved ones, we must first understand the way that we interact in our day to day intermingling. Explain the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications. In the text book Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (Sole,2011), we are shown that there are six basic principles at plat regarding Human communications. First, we are told that communication is symbolic. Second, we are shown that communication is shared meaning. Third, communication is shown to be a process. Fourth, the argument is made that communication is culturally determined. Fifth, we are shown that communication occurs in context. Sixth, we are told that communication is purposeful. While these principles serve to explain the basic meanings behind how communications work, there will always be a basic misconception about how and what communication is meant to be. It is important, though, to remember that a basic set of principles guides us through understanding interpersonal communication. The use of symbols is widely believed to be what makes human language unique. A symbol can be anything that conveys a meaning, and it can be written, spoken, or non-verbal. Drawings, photographs, and music can be symbolic. Even objects such as homes, automobiles, clothing, and jewelry can be symbolic (Sole, Sn. 1.3, para 2.). Human beings have a unique ability to make almost anything stand for something, giving an almost endless ability to communicate. The fact the communication is shared meaning is the driving force behind the ability to visualize stories and information through shared language and symbols of our world. Our perception will directly affect how a story is communicated, so we must see these shared meanings as abstraction. Communication is a lifelong process by which we gain knowledge and experience, with which we sharpen our communication skills. Because this is an ongoing thing, we must continually work to maintain and build on the relationship we form. Communication is culturally determined, meaning that our cultures, or the way we eat, sleep, live and understand the world, affect the way we communicate. Many white americans idealize a dispassionate and logical mode of debating and problem-solving. In mediation this is expressed in maxims such as â€Å"separate the people from the problem†and the use of caucuses to cool down emotions (Fisher and Ury, 1981). In Black and White Styles of Conflict (Kochman, 1981) it states that African Americans construe a difference in communication style differently, and that â€Å"Blacks call this constraining mode of behavior fronting, and they generally regard negatively situations in which it is necessary to front†¦ All blacks consider fronting to be a strain†. Our ability to rationalize, our willingness to work things out, and our likely hood of finding common ground with someone we disagree with is greatly affected by our culture. Communication must be understood as a context driven subject. Where, when, and how we come to communicate is going to drive how we interact with others. Things such as our physical state, our mental well being, and the emotion surrounding a subject are sure to contribute to how we appreciate a communicated subject. It is important to remember that communication is purposeful. We do not communicate simply to make noise, but instead to share meaning and connect with others. Our needs are influenced and met through interaction with the outside world. These principles of communication guide us to understand the meaning and importance of human interpersonal communications and how we can communicate properly. There are misconceptions in interpersonal communication, though. The belief that we communicate only for our own good and that we will be unable to understand the meaning behind something without the proper context is wrong. We will find our way as we need be. Identify the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions. Competence, language, perception, and information are all barriers that can get in the way of effective interpersonal interactions. Any of these four barriers can cause an issue so great that effect communication is made impossible. All four parts must be met satisfactory if clear and concise communication is to be had. An article in the periodical Supervisory Management (1991) a situation is given that shows the proper way to get past barriers of effective interaction. â€Å"In order to make certain that you cover all aspects of a subject, you must take the time beforehand to plan what you want to say. In the case of an unsatisfactory employee, for instance, it’s not enough to know that his work has been slipping. Think about when you first noticed the problem, list examples of the problem on a piece of paper, and be prepared to explain what changes in the quality of performance you are requiring. Mentally go over the employee’s work history for the past few months to see if you can determine when they occurred. Pinpoint episodes that caused problems in the employee’s performance and prepare yourself to discuss them. Put yourself in the employee’s position and anticipate how he will react to what you are saying. Then try to prepare a proper response†. (Para. 4). All four barriers are avoided using simple tools. Competence, or having the knowledge to understand the subject, is taken care of by planning what you will say. The language section is covered by the same effect by known what you will say and how you will explain your thoughts. Your personal perception is a tough barrier to breach, but by listing examples of the particular problem on a piece of paper and taking that aspect of perception our of play, you effectively move forward. Lastly, the information that has been complied in order to present a clear and concise explanation of what is needed and how it can be done will avert any issues of this becoming a barrier. Averting the barriers that get in the way of interpersonal communication in its top form is going to give you a stronger relationship and a better avenue to share and learn about each other. Not allowing these four barriers to get in the way of your communication will leave an open line of communication to share your feelings and understandings of the world with one another. Recognize how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception. Words are very powerful things. By uttering just the simplest word we can bring division and even hatred into a relationship. The miscommunication of language and can lead to misunderstandings, loss of clear communications, and at times, the end of a relationship completely. This does not have to be true. Understanding that words have power, and they can create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception is a tool that will allow you to communicate to the best of your ability by understanding the power of your language. A word has the ability to represents can create a myriad of different emotions, feelings, and reactions. By choosing to use a word in one way, we find that we have affected another persons attitude, behavior, or even their perception of us/ ourselves. I, personally, noticed at a young age that my use of certain words in certain ways brought forth great emotion in the people around me. An example of this is the word â€Å"faggot†. I have never, and do not expect to ever, had an issue with homosexuals or their personal lifestyles. My use of the word described a person who did something extremely silly that I found myself unable to understand. Certain people would react angrily to the word, while others would accept it as funny and laugh away the misunderstanding around it. Sole (2011), tells us â€Å"Negative connotations often act s triggers to derail your interpersonal communication. We all have trigger words that create an immediate emotional reaction when we hear them†(Sect. 4.1). By understanding how we interact with one another, and how our words, and not only our actions, effect those around us as well as ourselves, we stand a chance of finding away to communicate effectively. Define emotional intelligence and its role in effective interpersonal relationships. In the text of Making Connections: Interpersonal Communications (Sole, 2011), emotional intelligence is defined as â€Å"The capacity to understand, communicate, and manage emotions and feelings and to understand and respond to the feelings of others†(Glossary), Emotional intelligence plays an integral role in effective interpersonal relationships. Without the skills mentioned we may never have a true understanding of what makes our loved one tick. We, as human beings, are a complicated lot. Our emotional make up is complicated, our ways of communicating are affected by an array of outside sources, and we can be tough to keep up with sometimes. If a husband is unable to sense a change in his wife’s emotional state due to something able to connect and communicate properly in order to find out what may be bothering her, he is doomed to fine himself alone, or worse, in an unhappy relationship. The ability to understand, communicate, and manage emotions will give a husband or wife the ability to make it through life a bit easier, as life will never be easy itself. Evaluating appropriate levels of self-disclosure is satisfying to a stable relationship. The quality and quantity of marital communication and disclosure had been linked to the level of perceived satisfaction within the marriage. Self-disclosure is one type of marital communication that has been identified as a key factor in this development. Although quality communication is defined differently from study to study, most agree that happy marriages and self-disclosure go hand-in-hand. Sharing private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions is essential to self-disclosure and allows reductions with your mate will be. Once you mutually determine that you want to establish long-term relationship, disclosure continues and over time leads to more personal topics. Permitting one’s true self to be known can be difficult, yet to build a solid rapport in marriage it is imperative. The Risk of Self- Disclosure While self-disclosure can have many positive benefits; it can be risky, and can have negative consequences, true enough. Sharing information about yourself makes you vulnerable, and van be used to take advantage of you. However, it is the only way you can learn, feel, grow and have a meaningful, successful marriage. Broadly speaking, empathy as a form of self-disclosure, gives us the ability to feel for another person, to imagine oneself in the same situation, enduring those same experiences and emotions. Empathy is also something you both will have to learn; you must have the mental flexibility to put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Effective Interpersonal communication is often based on empathy, since interpersonal communication skills refer to how we interact with each other on a personal level. Whenever two people care about each other, as you do, they use many different interpersonal communication skills. Empathy is one of the most crucial skills that we have and can use on a daily basis. Listening with empathy can help you express yourselves and feel heard, as well. Learn to improve your self-disclosure. Empathetic listening will not only give you the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes, but also provide a supportive listening environment. Neuroscientist Jean Decety, believes that empathy is even a mirrored emotion and that empathy is one of those human impulses that defy easy explanation. It gets entangled with sympathy or compassion or commiseration; it submerges into altruism. Empathy requires emotional control-the capacity to distinguish yourself from the other person, a gift invaluable to experiencing closeness in a relationship such as marriage. Describe strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts. Conflicts are sure to arise in any good, healthy relationship. Though this may seem odd, it is part of effective interpersonal communication. We must be able to discuss our feelings and needs, and at times, we have to argue about the importance of these needs or emotional situations. By listening, understanding and communicating effectively, you will find yourself in a place of understood emotions and happy campers. As a newlywed couple you must remember that life can only be as good as you make it. If you are unable to communicate effectively, you must look at the current situation and see if it is caused by personal error or a misunderstanding of how a relationship is supposed to work. If effective interpersonal communication seems to be impossible, maybe it is time to take steps towards a better understanding of what effective communication is, and maybe it is time to reexamine your relationship as it stands. To find your selves in a relationship that is healthy, open, full of free and exciting communication is the goal here. Good luck, and good night. Reference Fisher, Roger and Ury, William (1981) Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin Books, 1981 Kochman, Thomas. Black and White Styles of Conflict. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. 1981 Sachs, R. (1991). Overcoming the Obstacles to Communication. Supervisory Management. Vol. 36, Iss. 7; Pg.4 (found through ProQuest at Ashford. edu) Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections: Interpersonal Communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Ashford Student Library ProQuest Shared Talking Styles: Herald New Last Relationships
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Testament Of The Bible - 823 Words
The Bible simply says in Isaiah 55:9, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. God does work His wonders in ways that are beyond finding out! The congregation at Calvary has heard repeatedly about the classic book called Pilgrims Progress. In this timeless book there is a man named Mr. Worldly Wise. It doesn t take long for a Christian to realize that he shouldn t have listened to this man. Mr. Worldly Wise does not have the mind of God. There would appear to be great wisdom coming from his mouth, but it s not from God. Something that will have to be accepted by faith, no matter how good the intentions, if the direction that a person is going is not governed by God s wisdom, that journey, that path, will end in hopelessness. The Church, His blood-bought Church, has the special revelation called the New Testament. One would think, with all the technology, modern science and medicine, that the Church would e volve to a place in society where the message of reaching the world would be different than it was when the Church began. But lest we forget the declaration of Isaiah, â€Å"His ways are not our ways.†The giant gulf that separates God and man is impassable. There is no way to get from here to there apart from the wisdom of God. His wisdom is completely separate from worldly wisdom. As Paul makes clear in 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who areShow MoreRelatedThe Testament Of The Bible833 Words  | 4 PagesI have learned a lot in the New Testament. It’s important to know how the author intended the book to be interpreted. Also if we know the basic historical background, it could help comprehend the meaning behind the book being written. If we really want to understand the bible to help us grow spiritually, we must be informed in our history. It could tell us why our ancestors went through certain trials. We can then know why we still face dilemmas from their past actions today. History continues toRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible933 Words  | 4 Pagesthem, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is the verse most Jews and Christians turn to in an effort to justify marriage, committed sexual relations, and procreation within the marital relationship. Yet, the Bible teaches that the most prominent figure of the New Testament, Jesus of Nazareth was a staunch practitioner of the celibate lifestyle. As a partner in the creation of the universe, Jesus Christ would understand the mandate given by God the Father to populate the earth. The ChristianRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible1265 Words  | 6 Pages To some, believing that the Bible is trustworthy is near impossible. The reasons for not believing range from the fact that it was written by so many different authors over way too many years to the fact that there are too many different versions of the Bible today and was edited or changed too many different times. I believe that the words in the Bible are the words of God and Jesus as documented by the many different authors throughout the development of the Church’s history. One reason someRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible Essay1967 Words  | 8 Pagesus by means of the Bible. Being able to decipher the Bible, in its own way is a task in itself. Growing up as a young child, I had attended church with my grandfather, but back then I was not really exposed to the Bible, as I have been exposed to it by taking this course. The purpose of this assignment, is to research Moses and the Passover in Exodus 10-15 of the Old Testament in the Hebrew Bible. By using various resources such as commentaries, dictionaries, and the Bible itself has helped meRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible1231 Words  | 5 PagesThe Book of Leviticus is the third book of the Hebrew Bible, and the third of five books of the Torah (or Pentateuch), and the third book of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Moses was the author of the Book of Leviticus. Leviticus contains the law and commandments that God gave to his newly sanctified people to obey as their part of their covenant relationship. (Reading the Old Testament, Page 69-70) It was written because the Israelites had been held captive in Egypt for 400 years, theRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible Essay1209 Words  | 5 PagesThe Bible is about the story of a missionary, Jesus Christ, sent by the Father to the world. Before leaving the earth, Jesus commanded the disciples to be missionaries. He gave the Great Commission and commanded the disciples to be witnesses. Believers today are not only targets of the mission, but also proclaimers of the mission. In order to finish the task, Jesus gave us the handbook of the mission. In and through the Bible, God prepares the missionaries and the mission messages. There are manyRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible2673 Words  | 11 PagesThe Bible is a veritable catalog of the majesty and power of our creator, thy God and all of his works. Strictly from a literary standpoint, the Bible is seen as a masterpiece for its sheer diversity of form and content, for artistry, for affective power, and for the way in which no matter how well you think you know it, or how many times you’ve read it, you can always find new meaning in its text. The Bible isn’t just one book, but instead an anthology of 66 different ones written by various authorsRead MoreThe Bible : The Testament And The New Testament1425 Words  | 6 Pages The Bible is a collection of stories and teachings made up of two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, as well as the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible. The Pentateuch and Old Testament follow the days of creation, the stories of Moses, and all that happened before Jesus was born. The New Tes tament follows the life, teachings, and death of Jesus. Before the Bible was written around 3000 years ago, it was told through narratives, poetry, and songs. Much like fairytales, whichRead MoreThe Old Testament Of The Bible1230 Words  | 5 PagesThere are several great leaders in the Old Testament of the Bible. However, there are some that deserve additional respect, and there are others that do not even have the great appearance or qualifications of a leader. Just as there are leaders such as these, a person that is related to both of these types of leaders is our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Old Testament leaders of the Bible that deserve further respect or do not have the greatest appearances or qualifications of a leader are easily comparedRead MoreThe Testament Of The Bible946 Words  | 4 Pagesextended from the foundation of the world. â€Å"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.†(Ephesians 1: 4) And, it is mentioned in the very first book of the Bible. Some say that it can be traced back to the creation in the sentence that God placed upon the serpent; that in the words â€Å"He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel,†there is an intimation that God had in mind the plan of salvation
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